Transforms for Daz Characters: XYZ movement gone?

I used to be able to transform parts, hands, fingers, arms, that sort of thing on any movement axis.
Fingers could go forward, back, up, down.
But now that option is missing under General: Transforms, and it's bugging me.
Also, XYZ scaling is gone.
I used to be able to make objects fatter, thinner, or taller. Same thing, fingers, hands, and arms.
I can't anymore :/
I use Daz 3.0. It is for these random strange bugs that I never updated to 4.0
I'm paranoid of how much stranger it's going to get. And all the complaints about 4.0 crashing..
(I'm not talking about posing, by the way. I can still pose body parts.)
Is there a way to turn these things back on?
Post edited by Giichil on
Taking V4 as an example, are you trying to use the Hand and Foot at the top of the Scene pane? These are the IK ones, and they wont work, you will need to go down the hierarchy, and select the hands an feet from there, then they should work ,they do for me
You may also need to go to the Parameters pane, and use the drop down menu to turn limits off, and show hidden properties. It is not a bug at all if that is the case.
DS4 has been replaced by DS4.5, and I have been running it without crashes for a long time now. If you have an older PC, you may want to stcik with DS3 for a while. I use the 64 bit version of 4.5 on Win 7, and it is terrific, much faster rendering and much superior all round. The Pro version is also free at the moment.
I'm sorry, I forgot what translations and rotations were called.
But that's what I'm missing, translations and rotations.
The scales seem to have changed settings too, and not all body parts have them available anymore.
I need scales most of all, because that's how he fits into freebie clothes and things.
Changing the Parameters limit doesn't seem to help.
Here's a visual of what I mean.
about hip or head etc (not root ), we may need to use "show hiden properties option"
in parameter tab, I think:)
then Jimmy said , already^^; (if in DS3 can not use it?)
Thanks kitakoredaz, yes, it is definitely a case of checking 'Show Hidden Properties' in the Parameters drop down menu.
It looks like this in DS3:
I see JimmyC said that once already. My mistake.
I skimmed through and only saw about turning limits off the first time.
Thanks guys it works now. : )
Giichil You are welcome ,, I ofen tweak scale of figure part ,, then thought same thing many times ^^;
(but when scaling part of figure,,, sometimes cause bad effect about mesh when rotate,,so need modify mesh shape,
so daz include the parameter as hidden properties ? I do not know ,,,)
and Jimmy,,
I do not know about DS3,,, then worry, if it can work or not.
anyway,,, I relieved it is the case of matter and work for him.
Yes, I still have DS3 installed, although I never use it nowadays. It comes in handy for explaining where things were in previous versions, but in this case, it was much the same anyway.
Thanks for your help!