Transfer Utility shrink wrapping Baggy sweater :( Help Please

dee_dubdee_dub Posts: 0
edited December 1969 in Daz Studio Discussion

Hi I have a Baggy sweater and I'm trying to use the Transfer Utility to make it conform to posing, but it's shrink wrapping it to the Victoria 5 figure instead of leaving me with the original baggy shape.

I have have checked off the "Sources - Item shape to Clone Victoria 4" in the Transfer Utility and in "General Options- Reverse Source Shape From Target" which I learnt from a Youtube video, but it still hugs the sweater too close to the figure.

For this figure I'm only concerned with posing and not worried about other morphs. Should I be using another method to just rig the sweater to follow poses?

thanks for your time, dd


  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,882
    edited December 1969

    Was the sweater made to fit Victoria 4?

  • dee_dubdee_dub Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    Yes it's made for Victoria 4

  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,882
    edited December 1969

    Could you post some before-and-after screenshots? It sounds as if it ought to be working.

  • dee_dubdee_dub Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    So here are those pics. The 3rd pic is with another problem I'm having with footwear in general, and on close inspection the mesh gets messed up a little bit.

    About the first 2 pics, the first is before using the Transfer Utility and the 2nd is after. After using the Transfer Utility the Baggy Sweater hugs Victoria's breasts, an undesirable look. After all it's suppose to be a baggy sweater. Are there any other settings In the Transfer Utility I could play with? I played with a bunch, but after an hour or so gave up from frustration.

    thanks again for your replies, dd

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  • BejaymacBejaymac Posts: 1,897
    edited December 1969

    1) DS will always add auto-generated morphs to an outfit when it can't find any, these are "shrink wrapped" morphs that are completely ****in' useless for most things, as you have found with your sweater. The sad reality is that if you convert or make anything for Genesis then you have to make the morphs in a 3D modeling program, and not rely on the crap morphs DS makes.

    2) Converting footwear is hit or miss, mostly miss, it all depends on how it was designed, if it was build around V4's default T pose then it has a chance of converting, but most weren't, they were designed how you would see them in the shop window, and V4 has to be force fitted into them. These will never convert as is, they need a fair bit of manual work before they will fit Genesis, fortunately there are a few tutorials kicking around the forums on how to do it.

  • dee_dubdee_dub Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    Thanks Bejaymac for the infos :)

    I watched a few youtube videos on creating your own morphs so I brought it into Zbrush and worked it out. As far as footwear I guess my best bet is to bring them into the scene and manually make them fit.

    Ps. Your animated gif Avatar keeps cracking me up and making me laugh and smile, especially since I have my music pumping and it's dancing to the beat. :D

  • wancowwancow Posts: 2,708
    edited December 1969

    there's a tutorial around here for converting V4 Heels to Genesis...

  • kitakoredazkitakoredaz Posts: 3,526
    edited December 1969

    dee_dub,, there is some way,, to reduce the problem,,
    then most easy way is,, download this good tool from sharecg.
    (thank you much, isotemod)
    Genesis Autofit correction for V4 clothing

    then if you have same type of boot (the more the product shape and size looks like your boot, the more it must fit well

    and if you can find in ds 4.5 in parameter tab, Clone V4 shape,,
    (I do not remember clearly,, which the clone v4 shape are free or not)

    there is good way,, to transfer rigs and weight but keep orginal morphs.

    Before I needed so many tweaking by modelor and transfer utility,, adjust rig,
    make poze file, and adjust weight map etc,, but after find the way,,
    now it seems easy for me.

    it remove almost problems about heel and boots when modify for genesis..
    so that do you have shoes for genesis, and clone victoria 4 (hide parameter)?

    these two pic,,two shoes are product for V4, then I convert it for genesis,
    I do not modify by modelor, and not set smooth modifer yet.
    (though there need some steps,,, )
    so that,,when I hope more fit and smooth ,, it seems easy,, .

    if you feel,, it seems good,, and hope to try , ( I can not say it must work for your boots,,)
    anytime ask here again please. ;-)

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  • wancowwancow Posts: 2,708
    edited December 1969

    Posted by Artistb3 on this page of this thread:

    tutorial for converting V4 heels to Genesis

  • kitakoredazkitakoredaz Posts: 3,526
    edited December 1969

    I know and knew the way which he said on your topic. both of you are great.

    (he know well,, many user have tried and find the way as he said)
    because many user have tried to modify V4 wears and shoes for genesis, by transfer utility
    and modeling tools.. actually when first start daz stuido,, I everyday,, serch more better way.
    and often ask the way on this forum.

    you can find many topics about it in this forum.

    apply generic weight-map,, transfer from product for gen to V4 wear,,
    how to set reverse option,, etc.:)

    I believe many user find their own way,, and sometimes have policy,,
    how to modify V4 (or A3 V3) wear for genesis :)

  • kitakoredazkitakoredaz Posts: 3,526
    edited December 1969

    fmm,, now I show my way,, it may something different ,, wancow and artistb3 way,
    I have no intention,, compare it,, and it well work or not,, (may seems to same about many things,,)
    but it is may way,, when comform V4 shoes. so someone use the way as you like.
    ( anyway,, we hope to fit more and more );-)

    1 when use transfer utility for boot or heel etc,,

    first I transfer V4 clone morphs to product boots (or shoes).

    it need tweak hide parameter.

    select genesis, go to parameter tab, then show hidden option.

    You can find clone parameter,
    Hidden>clones. then serch V4 clone.

    click gear of Victoria 4 clone ,then open parameter setting,

    check on auto-follow,
    change max to 1. then check off locked. (unlock) click accept.

    2, load the product boots for gen on the scene. then fit to genesis. it is product for genesis.
    so it must fit genesis foot shape. some items may need foot poze preset, but do not use it
    for transfer.

    Now I use genesis supar boots (female)
    (thank much,, it always fit almost V4 boots,, )

    3 check parameter of the super boots,
    Ok,,, I can find Hidden>clone>clonevictoria4.
    Now clone vicotria 4 morphs was generated from genesis to super boots.

    4 deselect all. (not need fit-to)

    then load the V4 boots cr2 which you want to modify.
    select V4 boots, then from top menu edit>figure>rigging>convert to triax figure.

    it can keep the morph of original.
    and when use transfer utility we need to change triax figure
    or export obj, but on this case,,I hope to keep original morph.

    5 Now transfer rigs and weight-maps from superboots for gen to V4 boots.
    scene tab option , Assets> transfer utility

    Source Scene items = superboots (for genesis)
    itme shape = morph
    then serch "clone victoria4"

    Target Scene items = V4boots
    item shape = default

    check on weight Maps, Slection Map , Face Groups,
    Morph target, then click Morph target> Extended options >check on Source Mprphs

    then must check on "Reverse Souce Shape From Target"

    need not Fit to. check on Add Smoothing Modifier (I will remove it)

    7 when you transfer,, first it seems broken, but no problem.

    go to parameter tab, then general>misc> "fit to" genesis,
    and the shoes are already applied smooth modifier,

    check general>Mesh smoothing
    change smoothing type to "generic"

    it is useful when use transfer utility , generic not cover mesh of genesis.
    but smooth the mesh.

    (before,, other user taught us it can useful for modify V4 mesh when pozing,,
    in this new forum,,, I have used the generic type, whenever use transfer utility ,,,
    but can not use hexagon bridge,, after set smoothing .. )

    set smooth iterations from 80 to 120 may work about manycase.

    ( if the boots need not so smooth,, more low value may ok. I usually check
    wired shading view ,,, it is useful when check mesh )

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  • kitakoredazkitakoredaz Posts: 3,526
    edited December 1969

    8 after that,, it seems almost same,, as wancow tutorial.
    in scene tab, set invisible genesis,
    file>export then save as obj. with scale 100 %
    (if you hope modify more,, you may change scale for your modelor,
    but on this case,, I think,, need not)

    9 after export smooth shape,, remove smoothing modifier from the boots.
    Edit>geometry>remove smoothing modifier.

    because,,as you know,, when load the figure,, smooth modifier make me frastrate
    when pozing,,,(so I do not like to keep smoothing modifier)

    then I hope to save the figure. because,,
    without save as figure,,
    transfer utililty sometime can not work correctly, or suddenly ds close ^^;

    change the labell name on scene, tab, then save it as tabbyBoots_gen .(save as figure and prop)
    I know,, now the shape is broken , but do not mind.

    10 delete the shoes frome the scene.
    Load again the saved tabbyBoots_gen.
    import saved smooth shape boots.obj to ds.

    then scene tab option> assets> transfer utility,

    11 Scene item tabbyboots_gen (figure)
    item shape Default
    then check , Replace Source with Target.

    no need tweak other option. it simply replace the figure by smooth shape obj.
    with keep the morph.

    12 after fit to genesis, check with some pozing.
    then save it as figure (same name before I saved)

    13 about boot,, how tweak it,, when pozing and rotate toe rigs heavy,, it may break,
    about these case,, use foot poze for product of gen may work well.

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  • dee_dubdee_dub Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    kitakoredaz thanks for all the infos :) I will look at what you wrote tomorrow. I'm just too tired tonight.

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