Second Technician Rimmer
Posts: 484
I know I mentioned it before... anyway, I'll insist: some boyscouts and girlscouts for the G3 family would be *really* great. The one and only boyscout attire I found
out there is a horrendous one-piece thing with a badly placed scarf.
I would also like to see boy scout and girl scout uniforms for tween Ryan and Julie.
Maybe somebody could make an add on for the recent G3M/G2M Security Uniform Set
Might be nice to have options for historical versions of these uniforms; also throw in junior options like Cub Scouts and Brownies and Juniors.
Yeah, with the shorts for boys and the skirts for girls, also that scarf where they have their badges pinned on ^^
Mr Rimmer, an excellent suggestion!
Thank you, Isaac. You clearly understand..... (puts on RayBan's)
...the gravity of the situation.
Ouch... but yes. I can think of no better spokesman to call for a set of Uniform Standards, and indeed Standard Uniforms than S.t. Arnold J. Rimmer B.S.C. Let's hope the PAs out there will get motivated and produce some nice scout/cub/brownie uniforms for all those young proto-second technicians in render land :)
Remember, I used to be a Cub Scout myself: "Twinkle Twinkle Plip Plap Plop". We could eat only what we caught...
and then the other scouts got together and tried to barbecue me, including my best friend... who turned out to be
the ring leader. He even had basied my left buttock. In memory of this misadventure, I would take this opportunity
to ask the PA's to make the fabric fire-resistant on these uniforms.
If there are any PAs interested in making scouts/guides/cubs/brownies outfits for Genesis 3, they may also consider making kids clothing in the style of the artist Marcel Marlier, famous for illustrating the Martine series of childrens books from the 1950's onwards... those were simpler times.
Not a bad idea... my intention with scouts clothes is to make some adventure-type comics, something in
between Enid Blyton's Famous Five and the Scooby-Doo gang. concepts kind of meet here. Thing is, Martine
and her gang were wayyy younger.
Indeedy! However it would be nice to have a wide range of clothing for a wide range of ages.
Marvelous Designer is great for making clothing (though somewhat expensive). Does anyone know of a good tutorial for turning MD clothing objects into rigged conformable clothing? Does anyone know if MD clothing can be used directly as dynamic clothing in VWD, for example?
not forgetting the woggle of course.
A good scout never forgets his woggle :)
I guess I wasn't a good scout. Despite being both a Cub Scout and a Boy Scout, I didn't know what a woggle was until I looked it up a few minutes ago.
If someone does make a scout uniform, it would be nice if the shirts could be worn with other pants. In the years I was in scouts, everyone wore blue jeans and hardly anyone had an official hat. We did have neckerchiefs and woggles, even if we didn't know that's what they were called.