Posing with Rigid Object (like spear or sword) Problem - Please Help

Hello. I am new to Daz Studio and I would like some help. I've created some 3D objects for Michael4, have imported them, and "attached" them to Michael by the following steps:
- First, converting Michael4 to Weight mapping>TriAx Weight Mapping
- Then using the Transfer Utility to "attach" an item (like a helmet or breast plate) to Michael4 for posing
When using items I've made, like helmets and breastplates, this seems to work virtually flawlessly. However, when I try to do this with large, rigid items (like a sword or spear) then things get really wonky. I am guessing I just don't know what I am doing here. So, here's what I've been doing:
- In my 3D program, I position the item (a spear) where Michael4's hand is in his default position.
- I bring Michael4 into Daz Studio
- I import the spear (and it imports right were it is supposed to - in Michael4's hand)
- I use the Transfer Utility to "attach" the spear to Michael4
- I then select a pose
When I select a pose, the spear "leaps" out of Michael4's hand to some other part of 3D space. Not only that, but the spear does not stay rigid. The points of the spear distort.
I am assuming that there is something I am supposed to check/uncheck when using the Transfer Utility. Or perhaps there is something else (or many something elses!) that I am doing wrong.
If someone could walk me through setting up a rigid item (like a sword or a spear) to pose with a character like Michael4 in Daz Studio, I would really appreciate it.
Thanks in advance. :)
for objects like a spear, sword or staff, I tend to just import the object and just parent it to the characters hand (after placing it correctly with the character in the default zero pose). Then I go and pose the character. this works pretty well..
Thanks Rareth. Now, if you don't mind, treat me like a complete dummy (because I am when it comes to Daz Studio): how do I "parent" the object to the character's hand?
in the Scene Tab you can Right click on the object and select change parent, you can then select what you want the parent of the object to be.
That did the trick and was easy enough! I just had to find the correct part to parent it to. Thank you very much!
glad you got it working.
Or left click and drag to the part you want it parented to.