Please help the newbie Part 2: Texture on multiple Surfaces

realbobelerealbobele Posts: 0
edited December 1969 in Daz Studio Discussion

Hello :)

I am completely new to DAZ and so I´m afraid this is a question about one of the easiest tasks to accomplish… which nevertheless I'm not able to work it out.

I built a Figure using Genesis, the Standard Male Texture and then wrapped it in a Supersuit (this is one great package, btw.) I got the suit ready and as my figure is a Superhero, there is one last thing missing: It needs a Logo on its chest! :)

Now I have figured out by looking at some of the stuff coming with DAZ Studio how to get a Texture on a Surface, so I would probably go that way, but with Supersuit I am stuck at two points:

1. Supersuit consist of a lot of Surfaces to keep it changeable in so many ways. So my Logo would not sit on one Surface, it would cover several of them… Which surface do I have to add the logo to? How can I position it correctly?

2. All surfaces already HAVE a Texture… Its the "Cloth" Texture that is used to get the Bumpmapping done an give the suit a real "Surface". I still want to have this intact, so my logo will also be bumpmapped according so the material underneath it. But of course it should completely cover the underlying color…

I'm stuck with this. Thanks in advance for any help.


  • TotteTotte Posts: 14,100
    edited February 2013

    I would suggest creating the Logo as a .png (transparent), large enough to get good resolution then use the LIE (Layered Image Editor) and add the Logo to those parts where you want it (moving it so it will sit correctly crossing material bounderies.

    Post edited by Totte on
  • ReDaveReDave Posts: 815
    edited December 1969

    You normally import the Supersuit texture (which can be found in a subfolder in My Library/Runtime/textures) into an image editor and apply the text you wish to add. This can be a bit hard to do when the surface is split in many parts, and is done through experimentation, for example by adding a coloured grid to a copy of your texture and by doing a render seeing where the grid ends up, and exactly how distorted from your texture. You have to add the logoto all of the surfaces that need it. If there is little distortion, and the logo is just slightly off, you can use Vertical Offset and/or Horizontal Offset in the DAZ Default shader (at the bottom of the list) to nudge it on one of the material parts.
    There are fairly expensive programs that can do "projection mapping" which would allow you to paint your text across seams.
    You can either save the text+texture as a new image or save just the text with transparency as a png, then in DAZ Sudio left click the Diffuse you want to add the text to (just as if you wanted to change texture) and select Layered Image Editor, which allows you overlay one texture on top of another.

  • realbobelerealbobele Posts: 0
    edited February 2013

    Thank you, Totte :)

    ... but here the "being completely new to DAZ" comes into play :( I looked for the Layered Image Editor, but I can't even find it. Should this be in one of the Menues in the upper Bar (I'm on a Mac)? Or can I reach it by a surfaces properties?

    Can you please give me some more initials hints what to select in the scene and where to click then?

    Thanks again.

    Post edited by realbobele on
  • TotteTotte Posts: 14,100
    edited December 1969

    Thank you, Totte :)

    ... but here the "being completely new to DAZ" comes into play :( I looked for the Layered Image Editor, but I can't even find it. Should this be in one of the Menues in the upper Bar (I'm on a Mac)? Or can I reach it by a surfaces properties?

    Can you please give me some more initials hints what to select in the scene and where to click then?

    Thanks again.

    Coming up!
  • realbobelerealbobele Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    ReDave said:
    You normally import the Supersuit texture (which can be found in a subfolder in My Library/Runtime/textures) into an image editor and apply the text you wish to add. This can be a bit hard to do when the surface is split in many parts, and is done through experimentation, for example by adding a coloured grid to a copy of your texture and by doing a render seeing where the grid ends up, and exactly how distorted from your texture. You have to add the logoto all of the surfaces that need it. If there is little distortion, and the logo is just slightly off, you can use Vertical Offset and/or Horizontal Offset in the DAZ Default shader (at the bottom of the list) to nudge it on one of the material parts.
    There are fairly expensive programs that can do "projection mapping" which would allow you to paint your text across seams.
    You can either save the text+texture as a new image or save just the text with transparency as a png, then in DAZ Sudio left click the Diffuse you want to add the text to (just as if you wanted to change texture) and select Layered Image Editor, which allows you overlay one texture on top of another.


    I really hope Totte's idea works, as this sounds easier to do. What you describe here let's my head explode ;) Bringing a single texture on a figure should be one of the easier tasks I would call "the Basics"... so there should be a function for that. "Layered Image Editor" sounds like that :)

    But thank you very much for caring :)

  • TotteTotte Posts: 14,100
    edited December 1969

    OK, a quick and dirty LIE tutorial at 4eyes at your service ;-)

  • kitakoredazkitakoredaz Posts: 3,526
    edited February 2013

    Hi,, I have no will to offence veiw ,,
    usually LIE works good, and easy. (and if you make just white backgroud color, and apply logo
    then appy on diffuse strength , (not diffuse color,, second properties for diffuse )it work without problem)

    but,, it depend on much,, how shader apply texrure.

    about superman suit preset,, some texture (and you said bump texture,,)
    are pasted by tiling (use off set) on this case,, LIE can not fit well.

    even you use LIE and apply texture,, it may be pasted on each sruface as tiliing texture,
    so the mark are pasted as tiling..

    I tried some pattern,, if you remove default texture and you do not care tyling about displacement or bump map,
    of the surface, and reset to zero,, it may work,, but your super man texture seems change hard.
    it lost detail much.

    so I recommend you show which preset you used for your character with image ^^;

    so that Totte or ReDave can guide you best way I think.

    I only say,,, you can select many surfaces at same time with ctrl key .
    so if you decide texture which need to apply on surfaces,, it is easy.

    in my pic,, I apply Logo by LIE on some surfaces . but I need to reset tling x and y.
    so it change bamp map tyling.

    1091 x 764 - 138K
    Post edited by kitakoredaz on
  • edited December 1969

    Thanks SO much, I've had LIE for awhile but had no idea it was that easy!

  • TotteTotte Posts: 14,100
    edited December 1969

    ragaray said:
    Thanks SO much, I've had LIE for awhile but had no idea it was that easy!

    You're welcome, and LIE is built in in DS 4.5 Pro (that still is free I think)

  • realbobelerealbobele Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    Totte said:
    OK, a quick and dirty LIE tutorial at 4eyes at your service ;-)

    Thank you VERY much. This does help. I will play with this after work today :)

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