Content Database query

Hope someone can help with this. Can anyone tell me where the icon for products is assigned in the Smart Content Tab please?
I have rearranged some content and moved the files. I have edited the Metadata file and the files show up properly in the tab but the product icon is not showing.
In the example below the files for Elite Texture Nichole show properly with no yellow exclamation marks and function properly but the product icon is missing.
Any help gratefully received.

345 x 800 - 94K
Post edited by Haruchai on
The icon should be side-by-side with the actual file on the hard drive.
I thought those product icons, as opposed to trhe actual file icons, were attached to the CMS dsx and dsa files in the Support folder? Or am I completely mad? (Don't answer the second question!!!) Not near my workstation at the moment so can't check.
Yes, the icon .jpg needs to have the same name as the .dsx and .dsa files in the Support folder.
Not mad then.
No not mad.
Thanks for the replies.
Checked and found that there is actually an error in the Metadata. Under support assets the first line is
wheras the actual file is
Removed the erroneous '_Skin' text, resaved, reimported and everything is now as it should be.
Well, not completely.