June 2017 - Daz 3D New User Challenge - Scenes and Landscapes



  • Kismet2012Kismet2012 Posts: 4,252
    daybird said:


    But you are not the only one who has problems with the light...

    How all can see, the light from the  car on the right side produces a irritating mirror reflection on the building.


    harrykim said:
    daybird said:

    But you are not the only one who has problems with the light...

    How all can see, the light from the  car on the right side produces a irritating mirror reflection on the building.

    Even that the reflection on the street is not optimal, you made a big step forward by adding the cars. I´m not that familiar with the dystopia city prop since I have used it only 1 time. But I mean to remember, that adjusting the surfaces singlewise is very limited. In case it is so, I would think that the perspective you choosed allowes you to move the car a bit deeper, so that the reflection does not reach the wall. Or simulate the entrance into a tunnel ?

    However, your scene can go in various directions, from clean downtown up to drama. And all would make sense, I like it


    Indeed it does. :/

    Second and greater problem is, that I had choose the random city button and so the whole city is one object without any part that I can change in a single way -.-


    Perhaps no one else finds the car's taillights reflected in the building irritating.  It bothers you and that is enough.  We all have something in our images that bother us and does not seem to even be noticed by others.


  • daybirddaybird Posts: 656
    edited June 2017

    To avoid the red rearlights from the car on the buildings, I have moved him to the end of the street. 

    I also have increased the ISO at 400, but that was a little to much, I think. 

    Added a few things ( bus stop, people ) to play around with the atmosphere. 
    Added also the rain from the shop, but he wont't look very realistic in this moment.

    I guess, with the higher ISO and to my frustration, other lights from the cars now are visible on the building. 

    I still try to reduce this effekt, but since my old PC need horrible time to render the picture (2-3h) it's laborious.

    Test City new5.png
    1600 x 2043 - 6M
    Post edited by daybird on
  • daybirddaybird Posts: 656
    harrykim said:

    Kismet sayd "The little house in the water is providing a sense of scale "

    I have exactely the same problem. The water was intended to be fog laugh

    Blushing smiley

    I think that was just me.  I was working with water and "saw" that in your render. 

    Hi harrykim, maybe i have found your main problem with the fog. We look from a higher position at him, but in that case the sun is over the Fog and the water in him should reflect her.
    So I think you should make him less transparent and give him a nearly intransparent form.

  • LinwellyLinwelly Posts: 5,981
    harrykim said:

    So, here is the next version.Toon shaders ( DS default) does´nt work for iray, is´nt it ?

    At the moment I have no inspiration, what is still missing in the picture. I could add more elements, hmm, but I don´t think it is necessary. I like the kind of minimalism.

    First thing, i want to say that I love the aproach you take with this and I hope you will keep pursuein this!

    I believe the toon shaders as they are coming are not really working in Iray but using some plain plastic or rubber shader you might get a good result in Iray. but then I got to say I never did anything toon. I might go and ask for some of the toon experts around the forum.

    As for your fog which to me as well looks a bit like water here are some thoughts. First thing is reduce the reflection, right now i can see your clouds reflecting in the fog pane. Fog has a high specularity but no reflection, no glossiness as its made from little particles each reacting on their own with the light. This is what you want to emulate. You could use some atmospheric tool if you got one for Iray or you could use the technique I described here https://www.daz3d.com/forums/discussion/comment/1654176/#Comment_1654176 for making atmosphere. It works the same way in Iray you just apply the Iray base shader to the plane and adjust the opacity (and make sure the refelctivity is on zero) and you can use several layers of thos, so the fog is more intesne further down.

    Another thing that would make the impression of fog stronger is when there is more structure (another rice mountain, more houses) seen further down and to the distance as well. You can probabyl even have tiny people working on different terrasses or something like that.

    I hope that gives you some ideas.

  • LinwellyLinwelly Posts: 5,981
    edited June 2017
    daybird said:

    But you are not the only one who has problems with the light...

    How all can see, the light from the  car on the right side produces a irritating mirror reflection on the building.


    This has already developed nicely! I liek the dark scene, and yes the sky dome right now is too bright. you know you can tune down the light influence of the environment on your scene? Personally I#m not to fond of the articicial raindrops in the front. While the rest has depth, they are clearly onyl added later. In the link above to that tutorial in my thread I added a map at the end called rain. so you can use that sort of self made rain like the atmosphere planes.  It's not as good as the rain product for iray and/or 3delight that are out there but it was used eg here

    Post edited by Linwelly on
  • harrykimharrykim Posts: 225
    Linwelly said:
    daybird said:

    First thing, i want to say that I love the aproach you take with this and I hope you will keep pursuein this!

    I believe the toon shaders as they are coming are not really working in Iray but using some plain plastic or rubber shader you might get a good result in Iray. but then I got to say I never did anything toon. I might go and ask for some of the toon experts around the forum

    As for your fog which to me as well looks a bit like water here are some thoughts. First thing is reduce the reflection, right now i can see your clouds reflecting in the fog pane. Fog has a high specularity but no reflection, no glossiness as its made from little particles each reacting on their own with the light. This is what you want to emulate. You could use some atmospheric tool if you got one for Iray or you could use the technique I described here https://www.daz3d.com/forums/discussion/comment/1654176/#Comment_1654176 for making atmosphere. It works the same way in Iray you just apply the Iray base shader to the plane and adjust the opacity (and make sure the refelctivity is on zero) and you can use several layers of thos, so the fog is more intesne further down.

    Another thing that would make the impression of fog stronger is when there is more structure (another rice mountain, more houses) seen further down and to the distance as well. You can probabyl even have tiny people working on different terrasses or something like that.

    I hope that gives you some ideas.

    Hey @Linwelly, thank you very much for your nice words and your suggestions.

    During the trial and error phase ( based on how to solve the logical problem : Why he set that Rice terrasse under water ?) I though to go the most easy way possible. Why not set the fog to horizontal, place it behind the terasse, coloure it a little bit to green, get a mood of morning fog and all is good. What I´ve got was a boring seperation of the terrasse and the rest of the scene. You can imagine why ;) . There is almost nothing physical behind the terasse. Clouds, which I need to simulate depth, made no sense anymore inside the fog, and all colore, up to the background " construct" are only dull. Good idea but does not work.

    I´m currently rendering the try, @daybird suggested ( reduced opacity) but placed a second fog prop underneeth to get more substance, switched off glossiness ( though water particles are automaticaly reflective, but you teached me something new :)) , found a usable bumpmap and are optimistic. If it goes well I can think about to build a second terasse in the distance, instead of the illusion I have so far.

    PS. : your rain prop looks very good. You used motion blure ? The rainbow effect was a good idea, and you even thought on the reflection on the boots, nice !


  • daybirddaybird Posts: 656
    edited June 2017

    Still struggling with the same problems. To avoid light reflectings on the citybuildings, I placed different Objects in the scene. (trees, brushes, statue ect.)

    I have set the enviroment to zero and lower the ISO to 130. The light you see, results from the emission shader.

    I must correct some positions and light settings ( tree,heli) and the rain still looks ugly, but at least I have learned, that I can create a scene without a lightsources, only with emission shader. Is there a limit too( my craphic card only supports 8 light sources), or can I create invinity emission sources? Because now I have much more than 8 emissions objects in the scene.


    test 10 mit himmel.png
    1600 x 2043 - 6M
    Post edited by daybird on
  • harrykimharrykim Posts: 225
    daybird said:

    To avoid the red rearlights from the car on the buildings, I have moved him to the end of the street. 

    I also have increased the ISO at 400, but that was a little to much, I think. 

    Added a few things ( bus stop, people ) to play around with the atmosphere. 
    Added also the rain from the shop, but he wont't look very realistic in this moment.

    I guess, with the higher ISO and to my frustration, other lights from the cars now are visible on the building. 

    I still try to reduce this effekt, but since my old PC need horrible time to render the picture (2-3h) it's laborious.

    I´m not sure if the current version is to bright, since you did not yet apply a background image.

    You say that your tries to solve one issue leads in to the next and even more problems. In my mother language we have a word for this. It is "verschlimmbessert"

    Keep cool  ;)

  • LinwellyLinwelly Posts: 5,981

    Yo, dudes, we can all switch to german here now LOL

    harrykim said:

    I´m not sure if the current version is to bright, since you did not yet apply a background image.

    You say that your tries to solve one issue leads in to the next and even more problems. In my mother language we have a word for this. It is "verschlimmbessert"

    Keep cool  ;)


  • harrykimharrykim Posts: 225

    ups, crossposting.

    Do you have TechPowerUp GPU-Z ? It is a free of charge program to check the size of your scene. What I have seen is, that there are no limits, as long the scene fits the GPU capacity

  • harrykimharrykim Posts: 225
    Linwelly said:

    Yo, dudes, we can all switch to german here now LOL

    harrykim said:

    I´m not sure if the current version is to bright, since you did not yet apply a background image.

    You say that your tries to solve one issue leads in to the next and even more problems. In my mother language we have a word for this. It is "verschlimmbessert"

    Keep cool  ;)

    Nice smiley smileysmiley


  • harrykimharrykim Posts: 225
    edited June 2017

    ok, the dice is cast, I name the image "FOG on the Slope" and the water problem has solved itself enlightened

    Did´nt expect that result. I liked the look at about 25 min rendertime (2h08m total) but the background is ...  . However, there are still options and here it is

    Test 05.jpg
    800 x 494 - 272K
    Post edited by harrykim on
  • daybirddaybird Posts: 656
    edited June 2017

    You may call it fog, but my brain still see a water in front of my eyes...and that more then ever. *hrhr* Wer hat jetzt was verschlimmbessert :P

    But I had a question about the shaders and the maps. Luckily I had posed one cityblock seperate from the other (the big in the background). 
    Can I copy and split the layer from the windows? The reason for this is, that I would illuminate some of the windows. Until now I only can light up all of them, or nothing. 
    What I would like to do is...
    To create two layers and delet a few windows from the first layer. On the second layer ,I invert the selection and put an emissions shader on the layer. 
    Would this be possible and is it allowed to modify existing Props?

    Post edited by daybird on
  • LinwellyLinwelly Posts: 5,981
    daybird said:

    You may call it fog, but my brain still see a water in front of my eyes...and that more then ever. *hrhr* Wer hat jetzt was verschlimmbessert :P

    But I had a question about the shaders and the maps. Luckily I had posed one cityblock seperate from the other (the big in the background). 
    Can I copy and split the layer from the windows? The reason for this is, that I would illuminate some of the windows. Until now I only can light up all of them, or nothing. 
    What I would like to do is...
    To create two layers and delet a few windows from the first layer. On the second layer ,I invert the selection and put an emissions shader on the layer. 
    Would this be possible and is it allowed to modify existing Props?

    You can try using the geometry editor for that, mark the windows you want to light up with the geometry editor and create a new surface from that ( you can, once created, as well add to that surface with the geometry editor) then select that surface in the surface tab ( choose a name you can remember) and apply eg the emissive shader.

  • harrykimharrykim Posts: 225
    edited June 2017
    daybird said:

    You may call it fog, but my brain still see a water in front of my eyes...and that more then ever. *hrhr* Wer hat jetzt was verschlimmbessert :P

    But I had a question about the shaders and the maps. Luckily I had posed one cityblock seperate from the other (the big in the background). 
    Can I copy and split the layer from the windows? The reason for this is, that I would illuminate some of the windows. Until now I only can light up all of them, or nothing. 
    What I would like to do is...
    To create two layers and delet a few windows from the first layer. On the second layer ,I invert the selection and put an emissions shader on the layer. 
    Would this be possible and is it allowed to modify existing Props?

    You see, we all are ride the same horse ;)

    I understood your plan, but dont have the knowledge to give you an advice. On the other hand,  it reminds me on a technique to hide single parts of objects even if they are not selectable from the scene tab. Geometry Editor

    Found , when I searched for a solution with an obj. problem, this video tutorial:

    It show just the very basics, but to remove the windows, it could bring you a step forward. And of course you can also trick a bit. Place a little primitive in front of the related windows and make this emmissive


    Post edited by harrykim on
  • Blast it, Grandma's back in the hospital with another UTI.  Not sounding good as well, becouse when my aunt and uncle were there to check on her last night she thought he was me.


    She might have to  be placed in a nursing home after this, we don't know yet.

  • LinwellyLinwelly Posts: 5,981

    Blast it, Grandma's back in the hospital with another UTI.  Not sounding good as well, becouse when my aunt and uncle were there to check on her last night she thought he was me.


    She might have to  be placed in a nursing home after this, we don't know yet.

    I'm sorry to hear this, Shinji, I hope things will turn to the better again. Take your time and take care!

  • harrykimharrykim Posts: 225

    If she call you Sam and has a smile, so what, take it, it´s adressed to you. Wish her and you all the best

  • Kismet2012Kismet2012 Posts: 4,252

    Blast it, Grandma's back in the hospital with another UTI.  Not sounding good as well, becouse when my aunt and uncle were there to check on her last night she thought he was me.


    She might have to  be placed in a nursing home after this, we don't know yet.

    So sorry to hear that Shinji.  I hope everything is well with her.


  • daybirddaybird Posts: 656

    Not nice to hear that Shinji. It's always hard, if someone you love, is in danger. 
    I wish you and your family lot of strength in this hard time.



    Mh, problems, problems, problems... I had try to edit the windows in the city block 12, but it do not work. 
    Main problem is, that the windows are one object and I only can select them all. I had search the texture, but it is only a single window, which is copied countless times into the windows area.
    Has someone a idea, how I can make it work to select single windows or implement another area with illuminated windows?

  • LinwellyLinwelly Posts: 5,981
    daybird said:

    Not nice to hear that Shinji. It's always hard, if someone you love, is in danger. 
    I wish you and your family lot of strength in this hard time.



    Mh, problems, problems, problems... I had try to edit the windows in the city block 12, but it do not work. 
    Main problem is, that the windows are one object and I only can select them all. I had search the texture, but it is only a single window, which is copied countless times into the windows area.
    Has someone a idea, how I can make it work to select single windows or implement another area with illuminated windows?

    I took a look at the city block and I can see your problem as the windows of some buidlings come as one poly with a texture inside. When you switch to wireframe or wire-shaded view, you can find one or two of the buildings having separate polys for each window, those you can select with the geometry editor to create a new glowing surface. For the tall window displays the only usable thing is to male small glowing planes and place them right in front ( or dial down the opacity for the whole display by a bit and place the glowing planes inside just behind) the window

  • Kismet2012Kismet2012 Posts: 4,252
    Linwelly said:
    daybird said:

    Not nice to hear that Shinji. It's always hard, if someone you love, is in danger. 
    I wish you and your family lot of strength in this hard time.



    Mh, problems, problems, problems... I had try to edit the windows in the city block 12, but it do not work. 
    Main problem is, that the windows are one object and I only can select them all. I had search the texture, but it is only a single window, which is copied countless times into the windows area.
    Has someone a idea, how I can make it work to select single windows or implement another area with illuminated windows?

    I took a look at the city block and I can see your problem as the windows of some buidlings come as one poly with a texture inside. When you switch to wireframe or wire-shaded view, you can find one or two of the buildings having separate polys for each window, those you can select with the geometry editor to create a new glowing surface. For the tall window displays the only usable thing is to male small glowing planes and place them right in front ( or dial down the opacity for the whole display by a bit and place the glowing planes inside just behind) the window

    Using primitive planes and scaling to fit the windows is what I would suggest as well.  That way you can control which windows you "light".

  • harrykimharrykim Posts: 225

    It is just an idea, in case you cannot continue with your plan A.

    What I would try, is to increase the bump of the building allot to get the best contrast to the window wall possible. Would make or keep the reflection level of the window wall high and imitate ( because I dont have none ) two or more helicopter light . You know it from movies. No one remember afterwards if there was light behind the windows. Because the reflection of the helicopter light on the building, respectively on the windows is much more interesting.

  • daybirddaybird Posts: 656
    Linwelly said:
    daybird said:

    Not nice to hear that Shinji. It's always hard, if someone you love, is in danger. 
    I wish you and your family lot of strength in this hard time.



    Mh, problems, problems, problems... I had try to edit the windows in the city block 12, but it do not work. 
    Main problem is, that the windows are one object and I only can select them all. I had search the texture, but it is only a single window, which is copied countless times into the windows area.
    Has someone a idea, how I can make it work to select single windows or implement another area with illuminated windows?

    I took a look at the city block and I can see your problem as the windows of some buidlings come as one poly with a texture inside. When you switch to wireframe or wire-shaded view, you can find one or two of the buildings having separate polys for each window, those you can select with the geometry editor to create a new glowing surface. For the tall window displays the only usable thing is to male small glowing planes and place them right in front ( or dial down the opacity for the whole display by a bit and place the glowing planes inside just behind) the window

    Using primitive planes and scaling to fit the windows is what I would suggest as well.  That way you can control which windows you "light".


    harrykim said:

    It is just an idea, in case you cannot continue with your plan A.

    What I would try, is to increase the bump of the building allot to get the best contrast to the window wall possible. Would make or keep the reflection level of the window wall high and imitate ( because I dont have none ) two or more helicopter light . You know it from movies. No one remember afterwards if there was light behind the windows. Because the reflection of the helicopter light on the building, respectively on the windows is much more interesting.

    Mhh does not seem to function. I have made a primitive and scale it, but the real problem is again the shader from the dystopia city block.How we can see in the testrender, there are ugly reflections from the emissive windows on the other buildings.
    Don't know how I can avoid this. Maybe I should render the Tower seperately, and implement him later in gimp, but I had the bad feeling, I'm to stupid, to get it right.

    1600 x 2043 - 1M
  • Kismet2012Kismet2012 Posts: 4,252
    daybird said:
    Linwelly said:
    daybird said:

    Not nice to hear that Shinji. It's always hard, if someone you love, is in danger. 
    I wish you and your family lot of strength in this hard time.



    Mh, problems, problems, problems... I had try to edit the windows in the city block 12, but it do not work. 
    Main problem is, that the windows are one object and I only can select them all. I had search the texture, but it is only a single window, which is copied countless times into the windows area.
    Has someone a idea, how I can make it work to select single windows or implement another area with illuminated windows?

    I took a look at the city block and I can see your problem as the windows of some buidlings come as one poly with a texture inside. When you switch to wireframe or wire-shaded view, you can find one or two of the buildings having separate polys for each window, those you can select with the geometry editor to create a new glowing surface. For the tall window displays the only usable thing is to male small glowing planes and place them right in front ( or dial down the opacity for the whole display by a bit and place the glowing planes inside just behind) the window

    Using primitive planes and scaling to fit the windows is what I would suggest as well.  That way you can control which windows you "light".


    harrykim said:

    It is just an idea, in case you cannot continue with your plan A.

    What I would try, is to increase the bump of the building allot to get the best contrast to the window wall possible. Would make or keep the reflection level of the window wall high and imitate ( because I dont have none ) two or more helicopter light . You know it from movies. No one remember afterwards if there was light behind the windows. Because the reflection of the helicopter light on the building, respectively on the windows is much more interesting.

    Mhh does not seem to function. I have made a primitive and scale it, but the real problem is again the shader from the dystopia city block.How we can see in the testrender, there are ugly reflections from the emissive windows on the other buildings.
    Don't know how I can avoid this. Maybe I should render the Tower seperately, and implement him later in gimp, but I had the bad feeling, I'm to stupid, to get it right.

    Some things are tricky to figure out.  You can use a technique that works great with one set and will not work, no matter how hard you try to, on another set.

  • LinwellyLinwelly Posts: 5,981
    daybird said:
    Linwelly said:
    daybird said:

    Not nice to hear that Shinji. It's always hard, if someone you love, is in danger. 
    I wish you and your family lot of strength in this hard time.



    Mh, problems, problems, problems... I had try to edit the windows in the city block 12, but it do not work. 
    Main problem is, that the windows are one object and I only can select them all. I had search the texture, but it is only a single window, which is copied countless times into the windows area.
    Has someone a idea, how I can make it work to select single windows or implement another area with illuminated windows?

    I took a look at the city block and I can see your problem as the windows of some buidlings come as one poly with a texture inside. When you switch to wireframe or wire-shaded view, you can find one or two of the buildings having separate polys for each window, those you can select with the geometry editor to create a new glowing surface. For the tall window displays the only usable thing is to male small glowing planes and place them right in front ( or dial down the opacity for the whole display by a bit and place the glowing planes inside just behind) the window

    Using primitive planes and scaling to fit the windows is what I would suggest as well.  That way you can control which windows you "light".


    harrykim said:

    It is just an idea, in case you cannot continue with your plan A.

    What I would try, is to increase the bump of the building allot to get the best contrast to the window wall possible. Would make or keep the reflection level of the window wall high and imitate ( because I dont have none ) two or more helicopter light . You know it from movies. No one remember afterwards if there was light behind the windows. Because the reflection of the helicopter light on the building, respectively on the windows is much more interesting.

    Mhh does not seem to function. I have made a primitive and scale it, but the real problem is again the shader from the dystopia city block.How we can see in the testrender, there are ugly reflections from the emissive windows on the other buildings.
    Don't know how I can avoid this. Maybe I should render the Tower seperately, and implement him later in gimp, but I had the bad feeling, I'm to stupid, to get it right.

    The dial you want to find for all surfaces you don't want the reflect the lights so much  is the glossy layered weight, just dial that to 0 and you should be fine

  • daybirddaybird Posts: 656
    edited June 2017
    Linwelly said:
    daybird said:
    Linwelly said:
    daybird said:

    Not nice to hear that Shinji. It's always hard, if someone you love, is in danger. 
    I wish you and your family lot of strength in this hard time.



    Mh, problems, problems, problems... I had try to edit the windows in the city block 12, but it do not work. 
    Main problem is, that the windows are one object and I only can select them all. I had search the texture, but it is only a single window, which is copied countless times into the windows area.
    Has someone a idea, how I can make it work to select single windows or implement another area with illuminated windows?

    I took a look at the city block and I can see your problem as the windows of some buidlings come as one poly with a texture inside. When you switch to wireframe or wire-shaded view, you can find one or two of the buildings having separate polys for each window, those you can select with the geometry editor to create a new glowing surface. For the tall window displays the only usable thing is to male small glowing planes and place them right in front ( or dial down the opacity for the whole display by a bit and place the glowing planes inside just behind) the window

    Using primitive planes and scaling to fit the windows is what I would suggest as well.  That way you can control which windows you "light".


    harrykim said:

    It is just an idea, in case you cannot continue with your plan A.

    What I would try, is to increase the bump of the building allot to get the best contrast to the window wall possible. Would make or keep the reflection level of the window wall high and imitate ( because I dont have none ) two or more helicopter light . You know it from movies. No one remember afterwards if there was light behind the windows. Because the reflection of the helicopter light on the building, respectively on the windows is much more interesting.

    Mhh does not seem to function. I have made a primitive and scale it, but the real problem is again the shader from the dystopia city block.How we can see in the testrender, there are ugly reflections from the emissive windows on the other buildings.
    Don't know how I can avoid this. Maybe I should render the Tower seperately, and implement him later in gimp, but I had the bad feeling, I'm to stupid, to get it right.

    The dial you want to find for all surfaces you don't want the reflect the lights so much  is the glossy layered weight, just dial that to 0 and you should be fine

    But then, I losing the reflection on the street ^^

    Edit: Wohoo, I think I did it...I do render the tower alone and so I could set the setting to a pleasant level. I will try to put the whole scene together and present the result.

    Post edited by daybird on
  • LinwellyLinwelly Posts: 5,981
    daybird said:
    Linwelly said:
    daybird said:
    Linwelly said:
    daybird said:

    Not nice to hear that Shinji. It's always hard, if someone you love, is in danger. 
    I wish you and your family lot of strength in this hard time.



    Mh, problems, problems, problems... I had try to edit the windows in the city block 12, but it do not work. 
    Main problem is, that the windows are one object and I only can select them all. I had search the texture, but it is only a single window, which is copied countless times into the windows area.
    Has someone a idea, how I can make it work to select single windows or implement another area with illuminated windows?

    I took a look at the city block and I can see your problem as the windows of some buidlings come as one poly with a texture inside. When you switch to wireframe or wire-shaded view, you can find one or two of the buildings having separate polys for each window, those you can select with the geometry editor to create a new glowing surface. For the tall window displays the only usable thing is to male small glowing planes and place them right in front ( or dial down the opacity for the whole display by a bit and place the glowing planes inside just behind) the window

    Using primitive planes and scaling to fit the windows is what I would suggest as well.  That way you can control which windows you "light".


    harrykim said:

    It is just an idea, in case you cannot continue with your plan A.

    What I would try, is to increase the bump of the building allot to get the best contrast to the window wall possible. Would make or keep the reflection level of the window wall high and imitate ( because I dont have none ) two or more helicopter light . You know it from movies. No one remember afterwards if there was light behind the windows. Because the reflection of the helicopter light on the building, respectively on the windows is much more interesting.

    Mhh does not seem to function. I have made a primitive and scale it, but the real problem is again the shader from the dystopia city block.How we can see in the testrender, there are ugly reflections from the emissive windows on the other buildings.
    Don't know how I can avoid this. Maybe I should render the Tower seperately, and implement him later in gimp, but I had the bad feeling, I'm to stupid, to get it right.

    The dial you want to find for all surfaces you don't want the reflect the lights so much  is the glossy layered weight, just dial that to 0 and you should be fine

    But then, I losing the reflection on the street ^^

    Edit: Wohoo, I think I did it...I do render the tower alone and so I could set the setting to a pleasant level. I will try to put the whole scene together and present the result.

    Good thing you found a way, but to respond to your answer, the street is a different surface, do you know the surface selection tool in you vewport? Its like a hand of three cards in different shades spread out. when you choose that tool you can select exactly the surface you want, switch to the surcae tab and that surface is highlighted, so you can choose where you want to get rid of the glossy surface and where not.

  • daybirddaybird Posts: 656
    edited June 2017

    Ok, I don't finish the render, but I want you all show the result of my trys. 
    The light may be a little to much and I'm not shure, if I should erase the lighten building on the uper right side, but I think, I'm on the right way. :)

    Test Turm beleuchtet.jpg
    1600 x 2043 - 4M
    Post edited by daybird on
  • Kismet2012Kismet2012 Posts: 4,252
    daybird said:

    Ok, I don't finish the render, but I want you all show the result of my trys. 
    The light may be a little to much and I'm not shure, if I should erase the lighten building on the uper right side, but I think, I'm on the right way. :)

    That looks wonderful.  Just like a city at night.  Good job. 

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