The New Crowd billboards are great, but the set is really incomplete. Here is what I think is needed.
1) just more of the same.
2) More of the same but people in fear, running away and cowering. Think people seeing a monster or a battle on main street.
3) Pretty much the same thing, but victorian crowds.
4) Pretty much the same thing, but medievil crowds
5) Pretty much the same thing but futuristic crowds
6) Crowds of people sitting like in the stands of an arena.
This has been needed for so long. LOREZ helped, but with the billboards, this makes it even better. Also the distant army approaches, and the Medina cityscapes were also helpfull. Thank you SimonWM! Awesome and useful product that was a long time coming! Please make more!!!
I'd really like a set with people who were a bit less exciting and more uniform. People you see on the street everyday with clothign that doesn't draw the eye. Also fewer distinct looking characters, so no freaks, supermodels etc. Just regular people walking along who are closer together in style and size. No super big people.
The reason for this, is I want them to be there, but not deteract from the characters who are in the foreground. So they blend in a bit more.
Absolutely a great idea! Hopefully, enough people will buy the crowd billboards to make this profitable.
I am building lots of people billboards to allow me to make bigger scenes my machine cannot handle with all the geometery. The setup has been pretty straight forward so far.
This is done with 100% blillboard people. The shadows kind of give it away if you look closely but I made mine without including any hard rendered shadows.
Obviously, rendering with full on figures is still best due to how they handle shadows and reflections etc, but for background players this is the ticket.
Great Idea! More crowd billboards works for me!
sounds good to me.
Funny, I develop for a few games and one in particular we (the modders) used to use billboards for people in our scenes years ago and it was cutting edge to have them. then a few years later some of the more talented modelers among up starting creating actual 3D people, althought they were static in nature. then a couple of years ago, with new hardware advances and even more talented modders, we started incorporating animated people into the scenes and this really upped the immersion level in the game.
This thread reminds me of that, only in reverse, LOL.
The problem with billboards is for me they are almost as time consuming to make as just using figures in your scenes. I really like the idea but I think unless you can purchase a pre done pack to suit your needs they are pretty impractical to create if you want to do it well