Export MDD in silent mode : how to list arguments


I was looking for an MDD Exporter but it looks like there's not such a class existing so I can't use findExporterByClassName command

I try to export an MDD file without dialog but I always have one popping and I don't know which argument the exporter could use

I would like to list the arguments I can pass to the exporter with MDD files but I don't know how to do

I have used the exporter example of the daz help like this :

/********************************************************************** 	Copyright (C) 2002-2017 Daz 3D, Inc. All Rights Reserved. 	This script is provided as part of the Daz Script Documentation. The	contents of this script, and\or any portion thereof, may only be used	in accordance with the following license: 	Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported (CC BY 3.0)	- http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0 	To contact Daz 3D or for more information about Daz Script visit the	Daz 3D website: 	- http://www.daz3d.com **********************************************************************/// Source: http://docs.daz3d.com/doku.php/public/software/dazstudio/4/referenceguide/scripting/api_reference/samples/file_io/export_obj_silent/start// Define an anonymous function;// serves as our main loop,// limits the scope of variables(function(){		// Get the primary selection to use for the file name	var oNode = Scene.getPrimarySelection();	// If something is selected	if( oNode ){		// Get the node's skeleton		var oSkeleton = oNode.getSkeleton();		// If it has a skeleton		if( oSkeleton )	{			// That is the node we want for the name			oNode = oSkeleton;		}	}		// Get the export manager	var oExportMgr = App.getExportMgr();	// Define the class name the for Wavefront Object (*.obj) exporter	var sPath = "b:/temp/test.mdd";	// Find the exporter	var oExporter = oExportMgr.findExporter( sPath );	// If the exporter exists	if( oExporter ){		// Create a settings object		var oSettings = new DzFileIOSettings();				// Fill the settings object with the default options from the exporter		//oExporter.getDefaultOptions( oSettings );				// Define whether or not to show options		var bShowOptions = true;				// Define whether or not to show options before prompting for a path;		// requires or later		var bOptionsBeforeFile = (bShowOptions && App.version64 >= 0x0004000900030016);				// Get the options for the exporter		if( !oExporter.getOptions( oSettings, bShowOptions && bOptionsBeforeFile, "" ) ){			// We're done...			return;		}				// Debug		print( oSettings.toJsonString() );				// Set the desired settings for the exporter		oSettings.setStringValue( "Preset", "LightWave" );								// If the version is or newer		if( App.version64 >= 0x0004000900030016 ){			// Do not collapse UVs Tiles			oSettings.setBoolValue( "CollapseUVTiles", false );						// Show individual settings in the dialog			oSettings.setBoolValue( "ShowIndividualSettings", true );		}				// Define whether or not to show the options after prompting for a file		oSettings.setIntValue( "RunSilent", (bShowOptions && !bOptionsBeforeFile ? 0 : 1) );				// Debug		print( oSettings.toJsonString() );						// If the user didn't cancel and the file doesn't already		// exist, or the user wants to overwrite it		if( sPath && MainWindow.checkExistingFile( sPath ) ){			// Write the file using the options specified			oExporter.writeFile( sPath, oSettings );		}				// Clean up; don't leak memory		oExporter.deleteLater();	// We didn't find an exporter with the class name we wanted	} else {		// Inform the user		MessageBox.critical( qsTr("An exporter with the class name \"%1\" " +			"could not be found.").arg( sClassName ),			qsTr("Critical Error"), qsTr("&OK") );	}	// Finalize the function and invoke})();


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