confronted with several download choices for the same product

In My Downloadable Products, when I am confronted with several download choices for the same product, such as
trx.exe - PC - DS Core
trx.exe - PC - Legacy
trx.exe - DSON Core - PC
trx.exe - PC
, I am uncertain which ones to download for installation into DS 4.5 on a Windows platform.:roll:
Do you have all of those in your downloads for Windows, or are there some Mac ones in there as well?
Can you please give the full filenames, as there is something wrong with your list I think.
If you are using DS4.5, you don't need Legacy, it is for DS4 and earlier. There is usually a file with Poser CF (Companion File) and you don't need it either if you are not going to be using Poser. The rest you have poseted have me baffled too, you will need to post the full names of the downloadable files.
Thanks for your reply- I appreciate it!
At the moment, I am not using Poser for Genesis.
The full filenames I received for choices for downloads for four products are:
Genesis Ranger
Genesis Ranger - DSON Core - Mac
Genesis Ranger - DSON Core - PC
Genesis Ranger - Legacy - Mac
Genesis Ranger - Legacy - PC
Genesis Ranger - Poser Companion - Mac
Genesis Ranger - Poser Companion - PC
The Folly
15748_TheFollyDS_v1.0_trx.exe - DSON Core - PC - DSON Core - MAC
15748_TheFollyLegacy_v1.0_ds.exe - Legacy - PC - Legacy - MAC
15748_TheFollyPs_v1.0_dpc.exe - Poser Core - MAC
15748_TheFollyPs_v1.0_dpc.exe - Poser Core - PC
GIS for Genesis Male
14641_GISGenMale_v1.0_trx.exe - PC - Mac
Curator Aquarum
14724_CuratorAquarumDS_v1.1_trx.exe - PC - DS Core - Mac - DS Core
14724_CuratorAquarum_v1.1_dpc.exe - PC - Poser Core - Mac - Poser Core
14724_CuratorAquarumLegacy_v1.1_trx.exe - PC - Legacy - MAC - Legacy
Genesis Ranger
Genesis Ranger - DSON Core - PC
The Folly
15748_TheFollyDS_v1.0_trx.exe - DSON Core - PC
GIS for Genesis Male
14641_GISGenMale_v1.0_trx.exe - PC
Curator Aquarum
14724_CuratorAquarumDS_v1.1_trx.exe - PC - DS Core
In general for DS4.5 use only, all that you require is the DSON core files. If you are not using Poser, you don;t need the Poser CF files, and on a PC, you do not need the Mac files either.
If you were using DS4 or earlier (DS3?), you would need the Legacy files only.
From now on, I will not download the legacy, MAC, poser core, and poser companion files.:-)
The new DIM (DAZ Install Manager) has been released for general use. It logs in to the DAZ 3D site, and list all of your products that you can download. Some of the older ones, prior to V4 have not be included yet, but most things are there. You can download and install all in the one go, or download only, and install when and where you want to.
All of these files are in ZIP format, and you can also elect ot keep the ZIPs after install, or delete them after installing. There is also a filter which allows you to only display and download files for say DS4.5 only, which may help you. There is a new default location for installing these files, and most people just use it, but you can change that too. There are severl videos on Youtube on how to use this new tool. Preparation Integrate with existing
Thanks- I will try it out! It seems to be a great update!:cheese: