Don't want Smart Content to mix together

I couldn't think of a more descriptive title, but my issue is that I like to keep my Smart Content library well organized so that when I choose a category, I know where my crazy mind decided to put things. However, when you click on a category, for example "Materials", all items are jumbled in the thumbnail pane. I would like to click on Materials, have a blank thumbnail pane, then select my subcategory before seeing any thumbs. For example, if I click:
1) Materials (want to be blank)
2) Masculine (want to be blank)
3) Michael 5 (want to be blank until I click another category, such as...)
4) Facial Hair (now I want to see thumbnails)
Also, when my scene is totally blank, I still get Categories for things like wardrobe or accessories, but I don't want them to appear because I have no figure to dress or accessorize.
I know it probably seems kind of OCD to want this, but is it possible? I have tried numerous things, and I already know not to checkmark subcategories that I don't want the thumbnail included in, but they show up anyway.
I think it may be the way you have it set up. I don;t use Categories much yet, but mine don;t work like that. If I select My Categories > Genesis, nothing shows, then select Clothing, nothing shows, then I select 'M5 Underwear', and I see the icons for loading the items, and also the sub-category 'Materilals' it to the right of it, but no Materials show yet. I select the Materials sub-section, and all the MAT files appear, but the previous category thumbnails (M5 Underwear) do NOT appear, and they are all clearly labelled 'Material(s)' st the top of the icon.
It may be the way you have categorised things. Can you explain showing a step by step?
You are referring to 'Categories' here? The above is how the Smart Content pane works, and what it was designed for, Categories was never meant to work like that to the best of my knowledge.
HI,, I understand ,,what he said.,, because I feel samething somtimes. in smart content.
eg Now I select genesis,, then click Matrrial
all material files which assigned comaptibility with genesis turn out.
I check the item (!gabi mat.duf),, it categorized as
It only checked last Skin. not check on material or Feminein these sub category. see pic
but when I click material, all files are serched and shown in smart content.
I think he hope,, when select last sub category which he checked,material>Feminine>Gabi>Skin
in smart content category, we can only show the item.
if there need another setting? I feel so strange about it.and I thought it is the way of smart content,
so need request to mantis.
Thanks for trying to answer, friends. I really didn't expect much response since I am just being picky. Screen shot (1) shows what happens in my Smart Content pane when I have a blank scene open. All of those categories are listed on the right, even though I have nothing in my scene. Personally, I think the only thing showing over there should be Figures, Environments, Cameras, Lights, etc. not Wardrobe, Accessories, Materials, Hair, Attachments, etc.
Also, notice how I have Wardrobe selected at the top level of the category (no subcategory selected), yet it shows thumbnails of everything in my Wardrobe category. For the person who doesn't understand what I mean by "category", I am referring to the placement of the files when using the "categorize" option on right-click. I would like the thumbnail pane to be empty until I select something else in the list, such as "Armor" or "Footwear". If I click on "Armor" next, the thumbnails show all of the armor I have installed on my system, jumbled together from different products, which is messy to me. I would rather select "M4 Armor" (not a real product) in the armor list before seeing any armor thumbnails to the right. Of course, if I select "M4 Armor", it does filter only M4 armor so that works correctly.
In the second screenshot, I show what I have "checked off" for B25BoxerB.duf in the categorize window. As you can see, the only check-mark is on Underwear/Bottoms, so why does this item show up in Wardrobe and in Underwear? Should only show when I click Bottoms.
I hope this more descriptive explanation will help me find a solution. Thanks again for trying to help out!
Brian (aka Slosh)
I believe that's how it's designed to work, that is:
1) With nothing selected in the scene, it should show all Smart items which can be loaded into an empty scene
2) When you just select wardrobe, it displays everything in Wardrobe or a subcategory of wardrobe. Underwear bottoms are wardrobe, and should not be hidden because they are in a subfolder. They should only be hidden when you chose . e.g. Outerwear, or Tops. I wouldn't want Wardrobe to show me items which were not subcategorized but hide items which were.