Paramter vs shaping tab - how do I control where Genesis morphs appear that are not also represented

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Morphs do not appear in the content library for Genesis.
Shaping Presets will, but not the morphs themselves.
Shaping Morphs appear in the Shaping Tab (unless you've creatred a new one and have not saved it as a morph asset) AND in the Parameters tab.
To save a custom morph: Save As/Support Asset/Morph Asset/
In the resulting dialog box you can set the path where your morph will appear.
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your documentation is pretty much these forums. :)
Before you save your morph, go to the shaping tab with Genesis loaded.
Look at all your options. The top one is "Actor" and it goes from there.
Any path you define will be the path it appears in in the hirarchy. For instance Actor/Female/Real World/
You can either define that in the dialog when you save your morph or in a text editor after. It's easier just to put it in the right place to start.
;-) hope some official men of daz clearly summarize and make document too.
then I answer this quesiton, ( I know you feel difficultiy )
when you save it as morph, usulally every morph controller of genesis can show in parameter tab.
after that , if you hope to show the morph controller in shaping tab, you need to change the morph "type".
and "path".
you can change them easy by parameter tab,parameter setting.
before we needed tweak property editor too.
after change path and type, but about ds 4.5 we need not.
Now I have some morph in morhps>morph loader section. see my pic.
if I want to show this morph controller in shaping tab,
I need to check type and path in parameter setting,
if I set type "modifier/shape" it can be shown in shaping tab
and I set tyep "modifier/poze" it can be shown in pozing tab (when you make poze controller , it may need ) pic2
and if you want to show the moprh in shaping tab, the path need to set under actor hieralchy.( actor/head etc)
so that when you use region navigator tool,
select genesis (or genesis region eg head ,,hand) , each parameters assign the region (path)
auto selected the region group in shaping tab.
but I can make new path under actor . eg now I set new path "Actor/test" pic3
open shaping tab, then check it. yes I can show my cotnroller,, in shaping tab. pic4
after change Path and type,, go to top menu
then "save modified assets"
check the confirm window "the following files will be parmanently modified"
if there is another file or morph, you better cancell it.
if there is only morph file which you saved and changed property,, clic accept.
now the morph property chang are saved. so when you open ds again.
or load gensis again, you can check it easy.
Caution :
when change parameter properties and save modified assets,
you must use default genesis which loaded by genesis.duf.
because if you apply caharacter preset, then tweak parameter, and save modified assets,
often default value change and saved. so not do it.
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Hi good night,:)
about selecting path in window, I use mouth,, yes there is no scrolling .
so I recommend if you use note pc, or your monitor can not show clear all.
you may use clip pic (as you did) , and input directly the path,
then about pozing tab,,,
I think you want to show morph in pozing tab as same as pozing controller?
this is my understanding,,
1 Pozing tab are work with "pozing tool" by selecting each node of genesis (head or root hand etc)
2 shaping tab are work with "region navigator tool" by selecting region.
then,, about every morph of genesis (or tirax figure) are assigend genesis root.
so actually genesis can not have pirtial body morph I think.
but each poligon assinged by region group. because of you can select the morph
which assigend to the region group. so you set path under actor region,,it can be shown when you select the region group.
then,,if you make morph ,, and show in pozing tab, it can only be shown
when you select root node of genesis. by pozing tool
(but you can make new path name,, and it can be shown when you select genesis root node)
even though you can set path as if it work when you select hand,, eg
Pose Controls/Arms
it can not work when you select armes.
so you need to make poze controller which erc freezed with morph.
I do not have full knowledge,, but please check my reply for kind user of this forum before,.
and it may helpful to understand base,,
And I recommend ,, (this is not answer for your question,, but)
when you import morph target by hexagon bridge, or
just load morph target obj by morph loader pro,
then find morph controller in parameter tab)
I recommend first you save it as morph.. as sonn as you can.
you can change and tweak parameter as you want later,
but if you did not save it as morph, next time it can not be shown.
after save it as morph once,, whenever you can tweak the morph by parameter setting.
you can use "save modifeid assets=your morph"
of you can remake the shape by the controller, and export it,, tweak again by 3d tool,
more and more refine as you hope. then you can overwrite the morph before you made
as same name. by use morph loader pro.
so that I ofthen save as morph, even though it have not finished to setting. or refine.
yes it must important I think.
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