creating custom characters; adding them to genesis as a present - help

I've been trying to figure out how I would add a full custom made character to genesis.
The character was a genesis model exported to zbrush 4R2 as an object file, now I have an object file that has groups (no texture - not worried about)
When I export the model to hexagon as an object to try and load it as a custom character morph, I just get the copy of the model with the ability to select each group; which is selectable in the same fashion as genesis; in other words same number of groups placed the same way as genesis - it would seem that the groups were saved when exported it as an object to zbrush. [the groups were 1st noticeable when I sent it to poser pro 2012]
When exporting back to daz from hexagon I get the custom morph figure placed beneath the genesis model much smaller than it.
I tried rigging the model in daz only to find no such thing in the *standard* version of DS4
no paid tutorials please, that why I'm asking on the form.
I have no idea about your other problems, but if your copy of DS4.5 says 'Standard on the title bar, it is because you have not entered the serial number for the Pro Version which would have been put in your My Account area. Just enter the serail, and all the Pro features will be unlocked.
Are you trying to create a morph or a new figure? A morph must use the same vertices in the same order as the base figure - you have to set the resolution to base before exporting, if you don't use GoZ, and you must not add or remove geometry while modifying the item. If you are trying to make a new figure and have trouble with the OBJ import, make sure your preset matches the export preset to get the size right.
I'm trying to create a new figure to add to genesis or a new figure for genesis
Rafflone, sounds like you are trying to create a full body morph, which is what you would need to use Genesis with all its abilities without having to re-rig the figure entirely. Is that correct?
that's correct, I'd just like to know if its possible at this point.
I'm thinking it may not be possible now sense I divided the geometry to work at a higher detail in zbrush.
And the only choice that I have now is to rig the model as a custom model other wise is just scraped, is this right?
if you subdivide the mesh, no, it is no longer possible.
Only a mesh which maintains the vertex order and number of vertexes can be used as a morph target.
okay thank you for conforming that for me,
And thank you all for replying
not a problem. Sorry for the bad news :( But good luck on your efforts!