Is there a major difference between Bryce 5 and Bryce 7 pro?



  • Dave SavageDave Savage Posts: 2,433

    Could you supply a link to the page where you bought Bryce 5 because as far as I know Daz doesn't sell it and hasn't sold it for some considerable time.

    It is possible that you purchased it years ago from Daz and you've just re-downloaded it... In which case, I'm guessing your problem is that you're trying to use the useless Daz Installer application (useless for Bryce).

    On a more general note, you'll find Bryce 7 has all the same things in all the same places as Bryce 5.... And then there is new stuff added along side. So you wouldn't find Bryce 7 to be totally alien.

    Hope this helps.

  • ChoholeChohole Posts: 33,604

    Download through your Product Library, as Dave says don't try to use DIM for Bryce, you will get totally confuzzled. 

  • S RayS Ray Posts: 399

    Daz bought the right to Bryce at version 5.0  they immediately released a free upgrade to 5.5 that just put the Daz logo on it.  Versions 5.5 thru 7.0 all show up in my Product library…however you may still need the Corel serial # for version 5.5  not sure Daz does not provide me with a serial# for 5.5 on my account serial # page.

  • ChoholeChohole Posts: 33,604

    I contacted CS some time back after changing computers and they did give me a serial number for 5.5, although I still had my CD for 5

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