older zipped files

what is the easy way to install zipped files for Daz4.5 also one that look like this (see example photo) my computer says it can't read running windows 7 64bit ......Thanks in advance Trish

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Any ZIPs I ever got, have the file extension .ZIP (dot ZIP). If they are in fact ZIP files, and you just have 'Show File Extensions' switched off, then you should use WinZip, WinRar, 7Zip or Stuffit expander or any similar program to open them. You will not need the Metadata one, as it is already included in the main installer.
If your Zip file program cannot open it still, then your download may be corrupted, and WinZip etc, will give you an error saying so.
They are no zip-Files! From the Icons they are exe-Files!
maybe I didn't explain very well I can open the zip file but how do I install this in studio
The runtime folder needs to be merged with the one in the My Library folder.
Go to the My Library folder, there should already be a folder there called Runtime, still in the My Library folder, drag and drop the runtime folder into the My Library folder. Windows will give a warning about merging folders, that is OK, allow it to continue, and the two folders should be merged.
I hate being stupid but I can't find the my library folder and it won't let me drag this into the open program
What is inside the file, and is it a ZIP?
If it is a ZIP, then just merge the runtime folder, and any other DAZ folders should just be dropped into My Library. If I could see the contents, I could advise you better.
If it is an EXE (Installer), the give the installer the path to your My Library folder, making sure that the path ends with My Library (not My Library/Runtime or anything else)
We are cross posting here!
Your My Library folder should be in C:\Users\\Documents\DAZ 3D\Studio\My Library. It is NOT in the Porgram Files folder. You have to go to the My Library folder in Windows, you can't drag and drop into DAZ Studio.
Have you never installed any DS content before? It all goes into My Library by default.
Just a tip. If you got one of the new zip files, which it looks as though you did, you should also have got a PDF to download, which does explain how to use them if you are uncertain, and not using DIM to download.
when i click on the runtime folder it looks like this and here is the read me....I am used to poser 6 going in through program files and putting each thing in its section...textures,geometries,libraries...ect but I don't know how to do this in Daz
You don't need to do that on a Windows machine, just drop the Runitme folder into the My Library folder like explained before. That is all that you are required to do, the folders will merge.
I don't see what your problem is? If you want to go to all the trouble of openeing each folder, and merging it's contents with the same folder in Runtime, go ahead, but it is much simpler to simply merge the Runtime folder with the one that is already in the My Library folder.
If you do not have a My Library folder, as already explained, then you don't have any DAZ Studio content installed, like Genesis for example. If you have installed the Genesis Starter Essentials file, where did you install it to?
If you do not want to use DAZ Studio, or it's content, just merge the runtime folder with any Poser runtime folder of your choice.
No I have never used Daz before thankyou for your help..
I have seen you on the forums before, and I didn't realise you were using DAZ Studio for the first time, sorry.
The My Library folder is the default location for installing content, or was untill very recently.
It was at the aaddress that I posted earlier. If you are using the DIM, there is a new default location for all DAZ content, and that is in C:/Users/PublicDocuments/My DAZ3D Library. It is now put into the public area by default.
There is a massive thread in the Commons about using the DIM, and why changes were made. If you are starting form scratch, then it is best to use the new default location that the DIM installs to. You can use the DIM to install Genesis Starter Essentials as well.
If you have other questions about this, it may be better to post in the New Users Forum, where there are a lot of very helpful people.
Thanks I'm just confused I use Bryce and poser and carrara but nothing for 2 years since my computer died so I am just getting back into it all and have forgotten alot...I did find my libraries folder ....Thankyou for helping me
Ya,, OK,, If you make new topic in new user forum, you can ask anything about insttall etc ^^
then,, I think,, you may better frist understand clear, daz studio directory structure.
it is not so complicated,, once you understand.
so I recommend before install many item,, just check it first
Install contents for daz studio