Path for reinstalling M4

I need to reinstall M4. I have installed it to, /Users/my disc/Documents/DAZ 3D/Studio/My Library, but it does not show up in in the oposer library or any where else I have searched. I have run the uninstallers and reinstalled without success.
What should be the correct path to get M4 to show up?
PS Sorry if this is a double post. The first time didn't seem to work.
Post edited by vindazi on
M4 is Poser Content, so look in the Content Library > Poser Formats > My Library > Figures > DAZ People. You should find it there.
Did you run the Initialise file when asked?
That's where I looked for it ( I mistyped "oposer" in my original post) , but it wasn't there. And I ran the initialize files. rebooted the whole computer....nothing.
By the way I am using Daz 4 Pro on a Mac running 10.6 on and intel duocore 2 with 4 gigs of ram.
When you say you installed to the My Library folder, are you certain that the install path ended with My Library, and not My Library/Runtime or My Library/Content?
The install path must end with the My Library folder, and not any sub-folder of it, or it will not install properly. The installer will put the M4 content into the correct places itself inside the runtime folder, but it is vital that you DO NOT install to the runtime folder yourself,.