Newbie question: New morph dial?

Short form of my question: How do I make a new full body morph dial?
Long form: I'm new to D/S, and have been playing with dialed on morphs. I was able to come up with a form I really like and want to keep as a separate dial-on morph. I have slogged my way thru learning how to use D-Formers and the ERC (Extended Remote Control) set up, but that just makes a master dial that other dials are slaved to. What I would like to achieve is a stand alone dial for the "Wolf Kin" morph I dialed from about 30 other dials.
I gather that it involves exporting as an .OBJ file and then somehow re-importing, but I cannot find a clear, newbie level tutorial on this that doesn't assume I know what all the jargon means or what check boxes to check, etc. Do I "weld groups"? Not weld? Help a rank beginner!
This is a render of the morph I want to save.

Easy :) :) :)
Save As: Morph Asset
HOWEVER: first, go to your Morph in the Parameters Tab.
In there, you can choose where the morph is going to be in the Shaping Tab.
For instance, this looks like a Head Morph.
So hit the little GEAR icon on the morph slider.
Look for Path, and type Head/lexbaird Morphs/
Then go to Save As/Support Asset/Morph Asset/
Look for your morph and check only that morph, and save. And when you call up Genesis, there it will be :)
Thanks WC! There are a few body adjustments too, but mostly the head.
I'll give this a try.
....Okay, tried this and it gives me the same effect as ERC freeze. One dial that effects other dials. How do I get an independent "wolf" dial that doesn't change the other dials dynamically? Since this "wolf" morph is made up from dozens of other adjustments, I'd like to be able to not have those dials involved, but create a stand-alone dial that I can use or give away as a freebie or whatever, without having to have those other morph dials loaded.
You can make the stand-alone dial for your own personal use, but distributing it to anyone else would be a license violation unless it's made entirely of morphs with no restrictions on their use.
Okay, but that doesn't answer the basic question. How? D/S is a great toy, but the learning curve is rather steep and the documentation is either lacking or pretty opaque.
Let's assume I want to make a brand new morph shape like RAM's or DieTrying's that they freely distribute. I'm not looking to tread on someone else's work, but there must be some way to make stand-alone dialable Genesis adjustment morphs for distribution, or they couldn't do it.
I mean, I'm happy keeping them for personal use, if that is the only kosher path, but I'd like to contribute back to the hobby community.
Rather if your morph in any way uses other people morphs, you'd need to get a written permission of authors to redistribute that modification as a part of your own morph. DAZ3D would probably not give that permission, but freebie developers might, you never know unless you try. If - and only if - you get a such permission, you can save your morph and their morph and part of it and redistribute. By default, even freebie morphs, can't be used for building your own for redistribution.
Here is a tutorial about ZBrush morphing, but also import and export of morphs. You may skip ZBrush part and rigging adjustment part if you don't have it and use something else for your morphing, it should be by the end of the video.
And Thorne has said that using her Morph Resource Kits (sold by DAZ) for creating your own stand-alone morphs is "allowed and encouraged".
And Thorne has said that using her Morph Resource Kits (sold by DAZ) for creating your own stand-alone morphs is "allowed and encouraged".
Well, yes, this is what I meant under written permission but sometimes you can negotiate with an author who doesn't give a blanket permission.