Released: Yara HD [commercial]

bluejauntebluejaunte Posts: 1,923
edited June 2017 in Daz PA Commercial Products

Excited to show you a preview of an upcoming character called Yara :)


Post edited by bluejaunte on


  • bluejauntebluejaunte Posts: 1,923

    Some more images on my DeviantArt page including some highres nudes

  • fastbike1fastbike1 Posts: 4,078

    Well done. Great skin, interesting character.

  • SigurdSigurd Posts: 1,090

    Great job!  Definite buy for me.

  • Rod Wise DriggoRod Wise Driggo Posts: 2,230

    Great. Any promos w/o make-up/eye-liner?

  • bluejauntebluejaunte Posts: 1,923
    edited May 2017

    Thanks all. 

    Great. Any promos w/o make-up/eye-liner?

    This is the base makeup, not sure people would perceive it as completely free of makeup but it's the closest:

    Post edited by Chohole on
  • IceDragonArtIceDragonArt Posts: 12,548

    Love that her lips a bit thinner and she has a beautiful skin!

  • Rod Wise DriggoRod Wise Driggo Posts: 2,230

    The skin is magnificent. Would like a more makeup-free eye version though. Don't know exactly what it is, but I think the lashes are a bit short and as there is this black "line" running all around the eyes, it looks like an eye-liner is applied. As there are dedicated lashes products available, maybe you could include a "lashless" version allowing to add some individually.

  • bluejauntebluejaunte Posts: 1,923

    The skin is magnificent. Would like a more makeup-free eye version though. Don't know exactly what it is, but I think the lashes are a bit short and as there is this black "line" running all around the eyes, it looks like an eye-liner is applied. As there are dedicated lashes products available, maybe you could include a "lashless" version allowing to add some individually.

    Character is in QA currently, can't do any changes at this point. There are eyelash morphs in the Genesis 3 Female Head morphs though, if you have those it should be easy to make them longer or more curly and whatnot.

    It's funny though, as far as texture the lashes are actually the only part I took from a merchant resource, everything else is completely handcrafted from photo resources :)

  • SaiyanessSaiyaness Posts: 715

    Excellent skin!! Love it!

  • TangoAlphaTangoAlpha Posts: 4,586

    I'd prefer a fully makeup-free variant, but it's not a deal breaker. Love the skin. Does she require a particular character, or is she built on Genesis 3 base?

  • bluejauntebluejaunte Posts: 1,923
    Saiyaness said:

    Excellent skin!! Love it!

    Thanks so much, means a lot coming from you :)

    I'd prefer a fully makeup-free variant, but it's not a deal breaker. Love the skin. Does she require a particular character, or is she built on Genesis 3 base?

    Genesis 3 base but the body is sculpted on top of a dialed in shape using Genesis 3 Female morphs so that would be a requirement to ge the exact body. Figured I can just put the product description here as well:

    Yara's skin was meticulously crafted from photo references, no merchant resources were used except for the eyelashes texture. Her body was sculpted on top of a dialed in shape using the Genesis 3 Female Body Morphs. Her skin shader is based on Anagennesis 2, heavily customized with gloss, bump, microskin maps and custom settings.

    Her feet have been heavily sculpted which may result in shoes not fitting properly. For those cases I have included a neutralizing dial for the foot shape so you can dial them back out again. And of course you could set this to a negative value to give the feet to your other characters.

    Includes 5 makeup options separated into eyes and lips, a layered lashline, 7 iris colors, presets for a pale or more saturated skin, normal or glossier nails, optional eyebrow displacement, a face asymmetry morph, a genital definition morph, body HD details and a separate HD nipples morph. Materials are Iray only.

  • Rod Wise DriggoRod Wise Driggo Posts: 2,230

    Well, just read the product description. Eyeliner look or not, the quality of the skin and the package content is sure enough to turn a blind eye ;-)

  • marblemarble Posts: 7,500
    Saiyaness said:

    Excellent skin!! Love it!

    Thanks so much, means a lot coming from you :)

    I'd prefer a fully makeup-free variant, but it's not a deal breaker. Love the skin. Does she require a particular character, or is she built on Genesis 3 base?

    Genesis 3 base but the body is sculpted on top of a dialed in shape using Genesis 3 Female morphs so that would be a requirement to ge the exact body. Figured I can just put the product description here as well:

    Yara's skin was meticulously crafted from photo references, no merchant resources were used except for the eyelashes texture. Her body was sculpted on top of a dialed in shape using the Genesis 3 Female Body Morphs. Her skin shader is based on Anagennesis 2, heavily customized with gloss, bump, microskin maps and custom settings.

    Her feet have been heavily sculpted which may result in shoes not fitting properly. For those cases I have included a neutralizing dial for the foot shape so you can dial them back out again. And of course you could set this to a negative value to give the feet to your other characters.

    Includes 5 makeup options separated into eyes and lips, a layered lashline, 7 iris colors, presets for a pale or more saturated skin, normal or glossier nails, optional eyebrow displacement, a face asymmetry morph, a genital definition morph, body HD details and a separate HD nipples morph. Materials are Iray only.

    Impressive description. I'm pretty much sold. :)

  • jardinejardine Posts: 1,205

    her skin is absolutely gorgeous.

    i'm just as impressed by all the detail sculpting work you've done on the character, though.

    really looking forward to her release!


  • ANGELREAPER1972ANGELREAPER1972 Posts: 4,518

    I liked your renders of her on you da page great shaping and curves nice realism there should do well 

  • xyer0xyer0 Posts: 6,062

    Any day now?

  • bluejauntebluejaunte Posts: 1,923
    xyer0 said:

    Any day now?

    I hope. Sadly it's taking a bit longer, it's through QA but still no release date set. frown

  • jardinejardine Posts: 1,205

    well...i guess i can hold my breath for another day or two.  if i must.  sigh. 


    but oh, randomly, hey...i've been meaning to ask.  your username--is that 'bluejaunte' as in 'the stars my destination'?

    love that book.  about time to read it again, actually...






  • bluejauntebluejaunte Posts: 1,923

    Indeed it is. Glad you like the book too :)

  • Oso3DOso3D Posts: 15,045

    Oh wow, love that book. ;)


  • bluejauntebluejaunte Posts: 1,923

    Cool. Guess the book is more known than I thought!

  • jardinejardine Posts: 1,205

    any news?

  • bluejauntebluejaunte Posts: 1,923

    Yeah she is now in final stage at Daz, a release date will be set any day now. Sorry for the delay but it was out of my hands for the most part. Did all I could to push forward, pretty frustrating for me too I can say that much. Your work so long on something and it's finally ready to sell and then it gets stuck in transit for way longer than expected. Not to mention It's also a financial issue.

    But I'm sure the good people at Daz did the best they could under whatever circumstances they had to deal with.

  • ANGELREAPER1972ANGELREAPER1972 Posts: 4,518

    being the current sale is summer themed probably gonna place her with certain other products to compliment her in the sale and if there are other characters that fit the themed sale stretch them out over the days

  • bluejauntebluejaunte Posts: 1,923

    Finally, she should come out later this week smiley

  • jardinejardine Posts: 1,205


  • CypherFOXCypherFOX Posts: 3,401


    @bluejaunte So, as an HD character, can you give me an idea what the optimal subdiv for her is?  I'm never sure how high I should turn the numbers, and past what point it's not making a difference...

    I'm guessing that the feet were one of the places where HD was applied, given you talk about having done a lot of sculpting of them.

    --  Morgan


  • bluejauntebluejaunte Posts: 1,923

    4 in this case. My understanding is you won't have to manually set anything, it will render at the correct level automatically unless you render in the viewport preview.

  • L'AdairL'Adair Posts: 9,479
    edited June 2017

    The skin is magnificent. Would like a more makeup-free eye version though. Don't know exactly what it is, but I think the lashes are a bit short and as there is this black "line" running all around the eyes, it looks like an eye-liner is applied. As there are dedicated lashes products available, maybe you could include a "lashless" version allowing to add some individually.

    I have one of those dedicated lashes products, Oh My Lashes from RedzStudio, and it includes a morph to hide the existing lashes mesh. It moves it into the head. So for that product, at least, a lashless version isn't necessary.

    Beautiful character, @bluejaunte. I'm a bit full of female charactars, but I think I may just need to get Yara anyway...

    Post edited by L'Adair on
  • ANGELREAPER1972ANGELREAPER1972 Posts: 4,518

    if you haven't already you should check out the deviant art link for more renders of her and as many have asked in past for full detailed shots he has them there which obviously he can't post here but there is a lot of detail

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