Getting the hang
I finally did it right...The gas pump was created in Hexagon. what I did was separated each part; the frame, the inner facings, the nozzle and hose as separate pieces and exported each as an object into Hexagon (deleting everything except the one part) and its material stayed intact. Then after all was exported, re-imported each part as the obj back into Hexagon, then all parts sent to Daz and it all stayed exact. Then in Daz parented all of it to a Null. As the whole pump I couldn't save it as a prop, but each part could be and then brought back together and parented to a null, and saved as a subset. I know this looks amateurish (I had trouble with the hose, but it was enough for now) , but I got it figured out,FINALLY.
what you could do about the hose is apply subdivision to it. :)
NOW I did it!! Here the sign is in four segments; the base, the ledge, the top and the inner sign. All saved as an obj, in my Props folder in Daz. Then re-opened as an obj in Hexagon then sent that to Daz and it came in completed. I didn't have to do it in pieces this time. Again, the sign face was created in Illustrator, the textures I found on the internet. Next I put a little light in front and it'll be completed. FINALLY I get the hang of Hexagon to Daz, so I get to start creating more stuff. I find if I re-open the obj in Hexagon then send to Daz, it will stay the size I made it versus if I import it into Daz (via Daz) I'd have to keep re-importing until I get it back to the size I had. Also in Hexagon, when I saved it after creating, I saved WITHOUT selecting anything.
The Four lane highway segment, you see, was created in Illustrator also.
Hopefully I can work on creating my own figures soon.