Transfering Morphs from V4 to Genesis

Ok... apparently I found an old post about transferring the morphs, in which I was directed to buy the GenX Upgrade. I was skeptical as it was an upgrade, and kept stating something about Gen4... I took it to mean I had to own the Generation 4 models as the 'REQUIREMENT" for the product was the V4 and M4 body shapes for genesis.
So I bought the product, went through the installation, and low and behold, I am INDEED required to have more than the Shapes, but also Gen4 which can be found at Renderosity.... Well, in fact it is no longer available at Renderosity, so... I have a product that I can not use, nor can I find ANY information regarding morph transfers.
So.... After about 6 hours of frustrated searching, being basically cheated out of $11, not through direct malice but out of my own ignorance and the lack of vendor documentation, I come to you, dear forum, in search of a way to somehow find a way to transfer the thousands of morphs I have to the Genesis figure.
Please if you can direct me to a place where I can learn, or a tool that actually does what it says that can accomplish this, I would greatly appreciate it.
EDIT: Ignore previous version of this post, if you saw it; I misread your original post.
In fact, you do need the Generation 4 shapes you've purchased. It's just that it's not all you need.
What you also need to purchase, at a minimum, is the complete Generation X product, now available at DAZ. If you want to come close to replicating the look of the characters, you'll also need the Generation 4 Shapes, which you seem to already have.
ANd do remember if you bought the Gen X upgrade by mistake, as long as the purchase was within the last 30 days you can get a refund on it by filing a support ticket with sales dept, using Zendesk.
What you require is the NON-upgrade version here:
You can return the Upgrade which is no use to you unless you bought the Gen4 plugin, and buy the correct version at the full price. I am sure that Support will handle that for you. Send in a ticket by going to Help > Contact Us
I did as suggested... sent in a help request about buying the wrong thing.... No response as of yet...
Also... have a few other problems with Generation X and... well, lookie here, cant find a tutorial for GenX with D|S4.5.
It appears what I am trying to do was fairly easy with the previous version, but since that method no longer works, and I can't get GenX to do what I need it to do, and no tutorials have yet been written for the newer version... umm... how do I proceed?
Been at this for days, with no luck... and I think I'm just so damned frustrated right now... I'm fit to be tied...
What gives?
GenX tutorial I know of:
or else this thread:
Kerya, thanks for the response.
Unfortunately, neither of those work with 4.5. I did find them both already and no luck...
There is a morph I have found in particular, I believe it is one of the ++ morphs for V4. It's called 'Fitness'. This morph is not included for Genesis, nor can I get it, nor will GenX allow me to transfer this morph, and it seems 90% of my characters were made with this morph... so I guess Im just stuck.
Such an awesome piece of software (both Genesis AND GenX) and no documentation on the new version, nor any definitive black and white 'this is how you do it, and it works'
Even the tutorials that do work, it seems they only are effectual for some people, while others are still stuck...
Believe me I've been all over forums everywhere I can find them and this is the case everywhere....
Well... 48 hours straight, no sleep, and I have yet to convert my first character...
If you are one of the lucky ones that managed to get Genx to work, then you are indeed wiser than I.
As for me, I have an ongoing series of comics and I think my subscribers would be POd if I suddenly changed the physical appearance of their favorite characters... So it looks like, with no resolution, I'll be going back to DS3
Bummed out, but, what else can I do?
Go to bed and get some sleep - and then post in Dimension3Ds thread I linked you to.
Ralf is quite good at answering questions.