Setting Extra Bones to Adjust to shape on conformed figure

Here's something I have not seen...
I have a set of earrings, and I have set them up to work on the Genesis Default Shape.
These earrings each have their own bone i have rigged so that they can move...
Here's the problem: I need to have those bones scale to V5 and whatever other character...
The question is: how do I bake bone position to that specific morph without destroying the original position of the earring bone?
You use ERC Freeze to link the adjusted position to the morph, if I understand the question correctly.
Okay ERC Freeze...
Meaning, the bone is in the perfect position when I have Base Genesis set, and the geometries (rather than the bone) move out of the bone's position when I set a different figure, such as V5... pretty sure we're on the same page, Richard... let if I was unclear in the first post. Thanks!!
as this is for something conforming, I'm reading this:
But do I need to BAKE the morph first?