(Edit) How to use DIM to check updates contents

kitakoredazkitakoredaz Posts: 3,526
edited February 2013 in Daz Studio Discussion

I want to know more clear way to reinstall version up prodcuts.:roll:

Edit to more simply ask.

DAZ update many contents for many reason (bug fix, or apply meta-data etc)

And I needed to check installer by read me , and my downloaded installer version,
or compare J_Nora (forum member) topics. it was only way to check my contents are updates or not.
It cause many frastration to me..

Then DAZ now release DIM beta for user (not all) but all user will install DIM I think.

So that,

can DIM tell me which contents are updated,
without itemized order history Reset and update contents by myself?

Or I still need to check by ourselfs ,which products are updated, then go to account,
and Itemized orderhistory Reset, then reflesh "Downloadable Contetns" ?

Post edited by kitakoredaz on


  • MBuschMBusch Posts: 547
    edited February 2013

    DIM will put all updated product at the top of Ready to Download tab. You don't need reset anything. Just download it and install wherever the products was previously installed or was the first install with DIM.
    Remember, if you have the product still installed previously with the standalone installer you should uninstall it using the proper uninstaller and only after this install the updater. If it was installed with DIM, just go and install the update.

    Post edited by MBusch on
  • kitakoredazkitakoredaz Posts: 3,526
    edited December 1969

    thank you . I believe so,, but when I first test with DIM,
    it could not show any up-dated product.:roll:

    then I uninstall some items, to check DIM,, it installed,,
    (and I log in my accounts, and itemized history too,, too check version,, so that it make me difficult
    which cause to show me "proucts-updates" suddenly my "ready to download" ^^;)
    and show me "Product-updates"

    you should uninstall it using the proper uninstaller and only after this install the updater. If it was installed with DIM, just go and install the update

    so that means,, Once I need to uninstall all files from daz shop then DIM can show me,, which are up-dated,,

    it seems night mare for me,,,^^; (though I thanks DIM,,,)

  • MBuschMBusch Posts: 547
    edited December 1969

    thank you . I believe so,, but when I first test with DIM,
    it could not show any up-dated product.:roll:

    then I uninstall some items, to check DIM,, it installed,,
    (and I log in my accounts, and itemized history too,, too check version,, so that it make me difficult
    which cause to show me "proucts-updates" suddenly my "ready to download" ^^;)
    and show me "Product-updates"

    you should uninstall it using the proper uninstaller and only after this install the updater. If it was installed with DIM, just go and install the update

    so that means,, Once I need to uninstall all files from daz shop then DIM can show me,, which are up-dated,,

    it seems night mare for me,,,^^; (though I thanks DIM,,,)

    No, you misunderstand me. What I telling you is, if you see a product update in the Ready to Download tab, and you will see it whatever you installed it with DIM or the Standalone installer, you should uninstall it with the uninstaller if it was installed previously with the standalone installer and you want install the update with DIM. If you don't want use DIM to install the update, just do as you do currently: go to your Itemized Order History, reset the product and download the new installer. If the product which you are updating was previously installed with DIM, just go ahead and install the update with DIM.

    You can use DIM just to track what products are getting updated, but I really think a better path is uninstall your previous product installation (if don't moved the files from their default localization) and make a new install with DIM. In this way you will be transferring the management of your stuff to DIM but in a progressive way.

  • kitakoredazkitakoredaz Posts: 3,526
    edited December 1969

    mm,, so that means,, to check update , I need not to uninstall contents (which installed by old installler)?
    just believe DIM show in Product Update?

    (that means,, now I have no items which need update ^^ ?!)

    But I think it seems better to change old installer to new installer as you said,,
    which can manage installer by DIM .

    thank you much,, maybe I can understand ^^;

  • fixmypcmikefixmypcmike Posts: 19,613
    edited December 1969

    DIM will tell you about product updates if either:
    1) you installed the product with DIM (even if you installed to a dummy folder and then deleted it), or
    2) you downloaded it with DIM and the zip is still in the download folder.

  • kitakoredazkitakoredaz Posts: 3,526
    edited December 1969

    ya,,, thank you Mike.,,, (I think so,, but anyway I needed , install everything again to keep my contents clearn)

    then now,, I finish to download all contents and installed on same folda which I have used,,
    and delete all installer (or old zip) before I downloaded , carefully compare one by one ^^;
    now I finish,,,

    so I will find up-date by DIM

    (I felt,, if it work?? ,, first make another folda,, then install all by DIM ,, and tell ds only new folda,,
    and delete old contents by uninstaller which came before,, though I will need not to use
    old uninstaller ^^; now they have gone some where,,, )

  • wancowwancow Posts: 2,708
    edited December 1969

    Just an asside, Trek Fan that I am, I keep seeing Kahn Noonian Sing talking about Diminished Intelligence Modifiers every time I see "DIM"...

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