With Carrara, can I add soft cloth and hair movement to DS characters, then export backto DazStudio?

Hi. I would really like to apply some soft cloth and natural hair movements to my large collection of Daz Studio (DS) items. I thought I could do this in Max, Maya or Blender, but exports are not working, No FBX import seems to work, bones are off and not showing mesh. So I tried iClone next (6.5) with no export for physics, according to their techs, so even if I did come up with good hair movement and cloth, I can't bring it back into DS. Does anyone know if I can simply import my character into Carrara, as I have him or her set up in a full  DS scene with hair and clothing, then take that cloth or hair and add proper weight maps or however its done in Carrara to get smooth flowing physics for cloth movement and hair, THEN export or somehow get this character back into DS where I have a ton of anibllocks and BVH files, and my own builds for moving poses, then use the tools there, as I usually do, to create my final animations? In other words, will Carrara work, by retaining the movements, OR, can I render the full moving figure with soft cloth and hair in Carrara with alpha, to bring into DS or After Effects (as I always do in DS, in addition to the full scene) so that I can at least get better looking cloth?

If anyone has done this or tried it, I just need to know if it works or its a waste of time. I spent so much time on the other programs with no real results, or what would be an extremely complex route and then DS not able to accept the fbx or other import files for the animations. 

The other question is regarding FOG. Can I set up a full scene in DS, bring it into Carrara 8.5, and render it there with particle effects (fog)? This is not possible in iClone as it loads a set as a single item, with no moving parts. I've done it in Max, but it takes hours to transfer, and apparently 3D Exchange won't export the physics or particles, and I much prefer Iray renders, visually and with my current rig set up for fast renders, or Octane.

Thanks for any input!! 


  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,084

    no sadly

    Carrara softbody really does not work with rigged figures, your best bet is to buy Virtual World Dynamics from Renderosity or use Poser like I do and the dyntomorph python script.

    I also do it in iClone with the PhysX there but that stays in iClone.

    and yes Carrara can load animated D|S scenes if small 

    break them into subsets but unless you buy Misty's solution in my sigline do not try Genesis 3, it will crash Carrara.

    the particles etc are awesome but are Carrara only, you can also do dynamic hair but again Carrara only, with the  Global illumination settings you can get results close to iray but obviously CPU only.


  • Hi, thanks for confirming all that. I did look into VWDynamics, but after reading how many problems other users ran into, it looks quite unstable or iffy at best. I just got that dynamic cloth converter from their site and its not worth using. 

    I don't use Poser anymore, feel its too limited, but will buy it once again just for the cloth movements. Can you tell me if it can maintain the cloth physics if I bring it back into Daz Studio? Same question as before, but now asking if Poser will do what I had hoped Carrara and iClone would and be able to export back. 

    This link shows a potential product that I hope the programmer keeps working on. I believe it uses morphs that load near real time, far faster than dynamic cloth. Haven't seen any updates for awhile. Sure looks good!

    I assume, worst case senario, I can do a full rendering in Poser from the imported models, then bring that into After Effects and overlay the figures, but all that is quite tricky sometimes to place since I tend to move the camera to get some interesting angles, fly bys, etc. 

    Thanks again for your help.



  • PhilWPhilW Posts: 5,145

    I've used VWD quite a lot and haven't experienced a lot of the issues that others have reported - maybe they are using clothing intended to be conforming and you will never get 100% results with that.  An impressive looking demo of the Interactive Cloth Simulation though!

  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,084

    Poser and DAZ studio are moving targets as far as compatibility.

    I used to be able to open saved pz3 scenes in D|S with dyntomorph baked cloth in some versions but they keep breaking it.

    Last time I tried no luck but been a few builds since so maybe I need to relook.

    I know it imports into Carrara OK.

    VWD does work in D|S I do not have it but those who do find it successful.

  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,084

    well I just opened a Poserpro12  pz3 dynamic cloth scene I had run the dyntomorph python on successfully in D|S4.9 public build so it seems Poser and DAZ studio are playing nicely again.

  • PhilWPhilW Posts: 5,145

    If you look around you may be able to find a dynamic plugin on sale at the moment.

  • stringtheory9stringtheory9 Posts: 411

    philiphowe, I'm with PhilW on the VWD issue. I think the results overwhelmingly justify the little bit of work you have to do to get a great end result.  

  • HeadwaxHeadwax Posts: 9,969

    philiphowe, I'm with PhilW on the VWD issue. I think the results overwhelmingly justify the little bit of work you have to do to get a great end result.  

    yes, a worthwile time investment


  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,084

    I just bought it and so far tested the DAZ studio plugin with it and its very good


  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,084


    my first go with DAZ studio plugin

    think more nailing needed!!!

  • HeadwaxHeadwax Posts: 9,969

    hey that looks great, just needs fine tuning that's all (ask PhilW :) )

  • PhilWPhilW Posts: 5,145

    That's a pretty severe test with some very fast movements. If you activate Fast Move and set it higher, it will give better results. You could also increase the number of Sub Samples and Iterations - it will take longer but you will get a better sim with less poke through.

  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,084

    video of a better attempt

  • HeadwaxHeadwax Posts: 9,969

    yes  now I know where stezza get's his tumbs up, the secret is out - terrific video Wendy

  • PhilWPhilW Posts: 5,145

    Great work, Wendy!

  • VyusurVyusur Posts: 2,235

    Fascinating spectacle, Wendy! What the figure is?

  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,084

    was Svengar for Gianni 6, I also did that with DAZ studio, I still need to solve a few issues with Carrara and Octane, possibly my version

  • VyusurVyusur Posts: 2,235

    Thank you for the response! I've never seen him before.

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