Problems after updating to 4.5

So here's the thing.
I'm on Mac 10.6.8 and until last week I was happily doing my stuff as an unemployed 40-year-old grafix university student
with no life to speak of until I found the 4.5 update... It's been a downward spiral ever since.
Many of the stuff in DAZ studio formats --> My Library are somehow mysteriously become un-usable.
You can load for example Basic Female (.duf format) fine and the preview icon in the content library works too,
but for example Victoria 5 (in the same place in .dsf format) doesn't load at all and gives a warning:
" An error occured while reading the file, see the log file for more details." The icon as well in the CL for the Victoria 5 doesn't work.
The .png file is at the same folder location with the .dsf file, as should be.
And now the funny thing...
All the stuff used to work just fine before updating to
and they did so from the same file location too.
Another nice little touch is that some of the .dsf files that won't load the icon in CL, still load up and can be worked with.
This has happened to multiple files so corruption of one or two files could possibly be ruled out.
Anyone else have similar problems?
If so, any tips to get the things working again?
Thanks :)