(Commercial) My new product Adele for Genesis 3 is available at the store

Virtual_WorldVirtual_World Posts: 1,093
edited April 2017 in Daz PA Commercial Products

I am sorry to present my new product so late in the day; but Today has been a sad day for me because the vet had to eutenize my 14 year old dog and I have been crying all day. I was not in the mood to write anything before.broken heart

As you could have seen already my product Adele is available now http://www.daz3d.com/adele-for-genesis-3-female . She comes with several skin and eye colors and many makeup options.  Material presets for both iray and 3delight. As you can see in some images that I am showing at the end, her skin looks great when applied to others of my characters, such as Akiko, Snowflake, etc.

I hope you like my product.


1000 x 1300 - 1M
Post edited by Chohole on


  • Virtual_WorldVirtual_World Posts: 1,093
    edited April 2017

    Here she has the black eyebrows applied

    1000 x 1300 - 1021K
    Post edited by Chohole on
  • Virtual_WorldVirtual_World Posts: 1,093
    edited April 2017

    Eye colors

    1000 x 1300 - 1M
    Post edited by Chohole on
  • Virtual_WorldVirtual_World Posts: 1,093
    edited April 2017

    Skin colors


    1300 x 1000 - 1M
    Post edited by Chohole on
  • Virtual_WorldVirtual_World Posts: 1,093
    edited April 2017

    Full body view



    1000 x 1300 - 576K
    Post edited by Chohole on
  • Virtual_WorldVirtual_World Posts: 1,093
    edited April 2017

    Skin applied to other of my characters


    1000 x 1300 - 1M
    Post edited by Chohole on
  • IceDragonArtIceDragonArt Posts: 12,548

    As always your characters are just lovely!

    I am so sorry to hear about your dog.  I know how badly it hurts, its like losing a family member.  My dog is 12 this year and a not a small dog, so any years after this one will be considered a bonus, although her dad lived to be 15.  Its just....hard. Sending virtual hugs since I can't hug you in person.

  • Virtual_WorldVirtual_World Posts: 1,093

    Thank you Sonja!  She was a black labrador and I had her since she was 1 or 2 months old, don't remember exactly. 

  • BlueIreneBlueIrene Posts: 1,318

    I'm sorry to hear about your dog too. We had to make the same decision for one of our guinea pigs last week - they're probably not much to most people, but he was with us for five years and used to sit and watch TV with us on most evenings - he had a definite preference for dodgy 80s detective shows! For such a little thing, he had a big impact on this family. I cried for two solid days when we had to let him go, and even my husband had a bit of a blub. It was the first time my grown-up kids had ever seen their dad cry.

    I'm giving most characters a miss for now unless they're really exceptional, and I think Adele is (I love Akiko too!), but the vet's bills which led up to last week's events were a bit crippling and so I've wishlisted them for now. They really are lovely though.

  • IceDragonArtIceDragonArt Posts: 12,548

    Thank you Sonja!  She was a black labrador and I had her since she was 1 or 2 months old, don't remember exactly. 

    Ya Ella was born in our house and grew up sleeping on my husbands pillow til she got too big. Its going to be just awful when its time. But despite that they are worth every bit of it....

    I rarely buy characters anymore either but I like this one.  May have to wait a couple days til payday though...Your skins are just beautiful.

  • SigurdSigurd Posts: 1,091

    Awesome product.

    My condolences on your loss.

    Lord Byron wrote a great eulogy for his Newfoundland (Epitaph to a Dog) and I have read it many times over the years after losing a pet.

    Again, my condolences.

  • Virtual_WorldVirtual_World Posts: 1,093

    Thank you Astracadia, Ice Dragon Art (Sonja) and Sigurd! 

    I realize that it is  the end of the month and the budget for this kind of purchases may be short, it happens to me too.  So don't worry if you can't acquire my product now.  I appreciate your comments and support and I am glad that you liked my products. 

  • rorsdorsrorsdors Posts: 47

    Very sorry about your dog, been there it's heart breaking. 

    Great work on your product, looks beautiful.

  • nonesuch00nonesuch00 Posts: 18,320

    quite nice variation

  • Virtual_WorldVirtual_World Posts: 1,093

    Thank you rorsdors and noneshuch00 !!!!

  • Peter FulfordPeter Fulford Posts: 1,325

    I do like the look of this character. What kind of lighting have you used in the promo images?

  • Virtual_WorldVirtual_World Posts: 1,093
    edited April 2017

    Peter, below you will find the settings used for the Main promo image,

    • Lights:
      • Classical Portrait 6 preset from The Painter's lights https://www.daz3d.com/painter-s-lights.
        • I adjusted the setting of the lights a little bit; but I don't remember exactly what I changed
    • Render Settings (Environment):
      • Environment Mode: Dome and Scene
      • Dome Mode: Infinite Sphere
      • Environment Intensity: 1
      • Environment map: used a HDR image that comes with Poser identified as HDRVFX_Office_Foyer_001a.hdr
      • Dome Rotation: 0
    • Other Render Settings :
      • Min Update Samples: 5
      • Update Intervals: 60
      • Min Samples: 7
      • Max Samples: 7000
      • Rendering Quality Enable: ON
      • Rendering Quality: 1.5
      • Coverage Ratio: 98%
      • Caustic Sampler: off
      • Firefly filter Enable: ON
      • Noise Filter Enable: off
      • Pixel Filter: gaussian
      • Tone Mapping Enable: ON
      • Gamma: 2.2

    That's all. Hope this info can help.

    Post edited by Virtual_World on
  • BohorBohor Posts: 74

    Adele is a fantastic character! When I see a new character which I like very much, it takes at least a week before I take a decision: buy or not.
    Not this time, I bought Adele the same day she came out. This indeed is a real quality-character. Okay, I knew already that Virtual World makes quality. I've also Abby, Snowflake, Akiko, Min_Seo and some others in my collection, and they are all great quality but in my opion Adele is a step higher.
    When I buy a character, it's always for the skintexture but I like the morph from Adele very much too.
    Put also a simple render with from Adele, out of the box.

    1347 x 1902 - 177K
  • Virtual_WorldVirtual_World Posts: 1,093
    edited May 2017

    Bohor, thank you so much for your feedback.  I appreciate very much your support and I am very happy that you liked my products. 

    I love your render, she looks very pretty!  Your render went already to my list of favorite images!!!  Thanks so much for sharing it !!! 



    Bohor said:

    Adele is a fantastic character! When I see a new character which I like very much, it takes at least a week before I take a decision: buy or not.
    Not this time, I bought Adele the same day she came out. This indeed is a real quality-character. Okay, I knew already that Virtual World makes quality. I've also Abby, Snowflake, Akiko, Min_Seo and some others in my collection, and they are all great quality but in my opion Adele is a step higher.
    When I buy a character, it's always for the skintexture but I like the morph from Adele very much too.
    Put also a simple render with from Adele, out of the box.


    Post edited by Chohole on
  • nicsttnicstt Posts: 11,715

    I love her; I don't buy many characters (or as much in general), but I'll get her eventually for sure.

  • Virtual_WorldVirtual_World Posts: 1,093
    nicstt said:

    I love her; I don't buy many characters (or as much in general), but I'll get her eventually for sure.

    Thanks nicstt,  I appreciate your support too!



  • BohorBohor Posts: 74

    Thank you very much Virtual World for the compliments, but Adele is a real nice character to work with. You've made a fine piece of art here!
    I've made a few more renders of her without changes on the morph (out of the box).

    Adele 2.jpg
    2800 x 2240 - 1M
  • BohorBohor Posts: 74

    And a closer one...

    Adele 3.jpg
    2800 x 2240 - 1M
  • Virtual_WorldVirtual_World Posts: 1,093
    edited May 2017

    Thanks so much for sharing your renders Bohor, they look fantastic !!!!



    Bohor said:

    Thank you very much Virtual World for the compliments, but Adele is a real nice character to work with. You've made a fine piece of art here!
    I've made a few more renders of her without changes on the morph (out of the box).


    Post edited by Chohole on
  • BohorBohor Posts: 74

    Thank you Virtual World, You're welcome ;-)

  • Peter FulfordPeter Fulford Posts: 1,325

    Peter, below you will find the settings used for the Main promo image,

    • Lights:
      • Classical Portrait 6 preset from The Painter's lights https://www.daz3d.com/painter-s-lights.
        • I adjusted the setting of the lights a little bit; but I don't remember exactly what I changed
    • Render Settings (Environment):
      • Environment Mode: Dome and Scene
      • Dome Mode: Infinite Sphere
      • Environment Intensity: 1
      • Environment map: used a HDR image that comes with Poser identified as HDRVFX_Office_Foyer_001a.hdr
      • Dome Rotation: 0
    • Other Render Settings :
      • Min Update Samples: 5
      • Update Intervals: 60
      • Min Samples: 7
      • Max Samples: 7000
      • Rendering Quality Enable: ON
      • Rendering Quality: 1.5
      • Coverage Ratio: 98%
      • Caustic Sampler: off
      • Firefly filter Enable: ON
      • Noise Filter Enable: off
      • Pixel Filter: gaussian
      • Tone Mapping Enable: ON
      • Gamma: 2.2

    That's all. Hope this info can help.

    Thanks so much for your reply - I had quite forgotten I'd asked the question! Very helpful info for this Iray newbie.

    Purchased your character just now. Loses the new discount tonight, I think.


  • bicc39bicc39 Posts: 589

    Will purchase in honor of your loved one.

    Thank you for sharing with us and know that you are not alone.

    Same situation with two dogs, each was about 13 years old.

    Each took a piece of me with them.

  • Josh CrockettJosh Crockett Posts: 572

    She's a beaut

  • Virtual_WorldVirtual_World Posts: 1,093

    Thanks so much for your reply - I had quite forgotten I'd asked the question! Very helpful info for this Iray newbie.

    Purchased your character just now. Loses the new discount tonight, I think.


    You are welcome! 

  • Virtual_WorldVirtual_World Posts: 1,093
    bicc39 said:

    Will purchase in honor of your loved one.

    Thank you for sharing with us and know that you are not alone.

    Same situation with two dogs, each was about 13 years old.

    Each took a piece of me with them.

    Thanks so much!  I appreciate your support!  Sad about your dogs!





  • Virtual_WorldVirtual_World Posts: 1,093

    She's a beaut

    Thanks so much Josh!


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