DAZ Character fine, until export.

wizaerdwizaerd Posts: 11
edited December 1969 in Daz Studio Discussion

I created a genesis character using Victoria 5, added a bikini top and bottom, and adjusted some of her... uh... assets... And the bikini top went through it's autofit cycles just fine. However, upon exporting to FBX, the bikini top no longer fit while still in DAZ (right after the export finished), and it did not go thru any re-cycling or autofit. The reason this is problematic is because it must've actually did it either right before the export or during the export because the exported bikini no longer fit the character either. So any advice or tips on how to actually get it to export correctly? From my understanding Victoria 5 is fully genesis compatible, and as I said, the bikini fit just fine while in DAZ until after I exported her...


  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,839
    edited December 1969

    Does the smoothing modifier (which I think is what you mean) run if you tweak the figure's pose after export? I think you need to bake the smoothing/collision detection to a morph to export it to FBX, since the smoothing modifier is a DS thing.

  • wizaerdwizaerd Posts: 11
    edited December 1969

    If I tweak the any setting after export, then yes it does do the re-smoothing. So please forgive my ignorance, but how do I bake it prior to exporting?

  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,839
    edited December 1969

    Edit>Figure>Geometry>Bake smoothed morphs is I think the command you want - it's not something I've had occasion to use.

  • wizaerdwizaerd Posts: 11
    edited December 1969

    Thank you Richard. I will try it this weekend and let you know how I fare...

  • wizaerdwizaerd Posts: 11
    edited December 1969

    Well Richard, I tried as you advised. Edit->Figure->Geometry->Bake smoothed morphs, while Genesis character was selected said there were no smoothing morphs applied. I selected the Bikini top, and re-tried and it appear to do something however after exporting I get the exact same results. In DAZ and in the exported model. The bikini top has shrunk up inside Victoria, and her ... ah... upper assets are quite exposed. What else should I be looking at or for?

  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,839
    edited December 1969

    OK, I should have said that you need to switch the smoothing off after baking or it smooths again - and that will tend to pul the clothes in over the breasts. I assume you know how to add a morph to the FBX export already, if you are doing so for the base figure, but you will need to add the baked morphs after creation. However, as I said I haven't ever done this so I'm not certain I'm not leading you up the garden path.

  • wizaerdwizaerd Posts: 11
    edited December 1969

    OK, I should have said that you need to switch the smoothing off after baking or it smooths again - and that will tend to pul the clothes in over the breasts. I assume you know how to add a morph to the FBX export already, if you are doing so for the base figure, but you will need to add the baked morphs after creation. However, as I said I haven't ever done this so I'm not certain I'm not leading you up the garden path.

    Actually I don't really know much about DAZ, I'm not really a long time user. I was looking for a quick character generator for some quick 3D mockups I wanted to create, and a colleague at work suggested DAZ, telling me how easy it was to get a character created and exported. Probably the least desirable approach, just getting into it and messing around without really learning it's intricacies... I enjoy using it, and I suppose I owe it to myself to learn a bit more about it. Could you guide me in the right direction?

  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,839
    edited December 1969

    On which bit? I've barely looked at the FBX exporter as I have nothing that will usefully read the result so I can't do much more than wave my hands vaguely in the air for that, but to remove the smoothing you can set it off in the Mesh Smoothing group of the Parameters pane, with the smoothed item selected. There was a good thread, as far as I could tell, on the old forums about the use of export rules to get morphs into - in the thread - 3DStudio but my Google Fu isn't showing it up (site:forumarchive.daz3d.com should check the right area, but I'm not adding the right extra terms)

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