Preventing Morphing During Animation?

Hello all,
I was curious, is there a way to somehow eliminate morphs from an animation? As it is now, I have a bunch of animations that I made as templates which I would like to apply to various different characters. However, when I do this, the initial beginning frame of animation is fine and has the appropriate character morphs, but each subsequent frame after that the morphs change gradually (so if the base template was of a male, and I am applying it to a female character, the female character gradually morphs into a male character over the course of the animation). I've tried copying the initial character shape and pasting it in the later keyframes, but it doesn't help.
Is there a way to prevent this morphing from occurring without having to manually redo every single animation for every single character?
Any help, tips, hints, and so forth is greatly appreciated.
okay, here's what you do with what you have now.
Save the animation as a POSE PRESET.
Set the ANIMATION RANGE to what it needs to be
There is a little box icon on the right side just under the second animation range field.
Click on this
Then click on it again
Save your pose preset.
Apply that pose preset to your character in a new file.
This should solve the issue.
Wouldn't it be easier to export the animation as a BVH and then just use that to animate your new characters?
OH: one more thing.
IF you have used POSE CONTROLS, those will not be checked with rotations.
You should go to the properties in the dialog and manually check those pose controls you have used.
Thanks for the replies, I will give this a shot! Thanks very much :-)
Hmm, ok so I followed the steps exactly as you laid them out. I unchecked everything and then went and manually selected only the rotation portions (and a couple of translations since I adjusted that for a few frames), and the Pose Controls. I then opened up one of my pre-existing characters and applied the newly saved pose to it. The same issue came up, where the figure gradually morphed from female to male. It's rather frustrating.
SuperGJ, give me a little bit to figure out what I put down wrong... :)
I promis to have an answer for you shortly.
Okay, so I screwed up. But I did figure it out.
Basically, you need to go to your TIMELINE tab. Set it up if you do not have it available.
Look for keyframes on the timeline.
The likelyhood is that your morph is keyed to a single frame and simply moving up. You need to find that frame where that morph arrives at 1. (or 100%), and zero that out.
I just tried it... I'm pretty sure this is the solution... let me know.
Oh, by the way, Shaping Morphs do NOT save to a Pose File in DS So if you save your character to a Character Preset or Scene Subset, and call it up new, you shouldn't be having this issue.
Alright, that seems to have fixed it. I appreciate all the help Wancow :) Thanks!
No problem. I actually learned some things I didn't know from your question.