How Do I Get Smart Content to Work_Macintosh_DS4.5.1.6?

I've tried asking for help on this topic before, but I've never been able to get Smart Content to work. MetaData does get installed. I do have the Content Mangagement Service working. Surfaces (Color) works and Shaping works, but aren't things supposed to show up in the SmartContent Tab as well? (Maybe I'm wrong on this.)
If you click on "All" in the Smart Content tab, do items show? If not, can you post a screenshot?
Also, do you have anything under Products or Categories in the Content Library pane?
Nope, no items show. Here's just a simple file, with Genesis loaded. But, it doesn't matter how much I load of clothing, props, etc. Nothing will show.
Yes, the Contents and Categories do show. That's not a problem.
Actually they aren't showing -there should be triangle next to them, indicating folders, as there are next to Poser and DAZ Studio Formats. So either the service isn't running or it is but DS can't talk to it.
Well, there are triangles next to the DAZ formats and the Poser formats, and I can get to the content of each that way. But there are no triangles next to Other Important Formats, Products, or Categories. I didn't realize there should have been triangles there.
By the service, I suppose you mean the DAZ Content Management Service. Well, I've just tried again. But, I have tried this several times. I Stop the Service. I start the service. I quit DS. I start the service. I start DS. Nothing works. Supposedly the service is running. I started it. But, no, those triangles do not show up.
I have tried working over and over again with starting the Content Management Service. Nothing gets those triangles to show.
Do you have a firewall/security program running? Those can interfere with the CMS's ability to communicate with other programs.
No, I do not have a firewall or security program running. It's not that, either, I'm afraid.
So, it that it? Is there no way for me to get Smart Content to work? Is it a bug in DazStudio?
What version of OSX?
Also, verify that the service successfully started. Click the spotlight search button and enter "Activity Monitor", make certain that the pull down lists "All Processes" and look for the DAZ Content Management Service. If it's not there then there's something keeping the service from starting and we need to figure out why.
Launch Activity Monitor and look for this: