No facial expressions when loading DS 3.1 scenes in DS 4.5

After upgrading to DS 4.5, none of my figures have facial expressions when I load a scene that I saved with the old version. While the morph dials work fine, the expression dials don't do anything. How can I infuse expressions back into my characters?
I tried re-creating them from scratch, but that's too tedious for so many scenes.
OK, after 3 days of looking for the solution, I just found it within 10 minutes of posting here. :D
For the benefit of others who might have the same problem: Edit -> Scene -> Import Asset(s) from Import Source(s). Then you have to find the figure in your directory. Done.
Now it doesn't work any longer. The first time Studio asked me to point it to the location of the Import Source, but this time it just loaded something without asking me for a location. How can I force Studio to always ask me for the Figure's location when I need to import the asset?
To get everything working properly you should add your DS3 content folder to the DS4 prefs. Then load it from inside DS4 instead of importing the scene. DS4 will then have the proper paths to load all the assets correctly.
Thank you, Jaderail! Can you tell me how to do that?
Edit > Preferences > Content Library > Content Directory Manager
Click on "DAZ Studio Formats" and then the Add button and add the location.
Do the same for "Poser Formats"
Or, if DS3 is installed on the same computer,
Content Library tab > Options Menu > "Import Mapped Directories"
Thank you, fixmypcmike. I already did both of the things you suggested. Content Directory Manager did make my old content visible, but the figures still lacked facial expressions. Import Mapped Directories didn't do anything, it just brought up an empty list with no directories at all (because I had to reinstall Windows, and so the registry for DS3 was gone).
The only solution seems to be making new figures and copying the settings from the old figures onto them. When I make a new figure, the facial expressions are all there. It's just the figures from the scenes I had saved under DS3 that are lacking expressions.
After you load a fresh figure, inject morphs if needed, and save the scene, do old scenes with that figure work again?
No, injecting morphs works fine, but there's no way to inject expressions. For David 3, expressions are seperate from morphs, and there is no way to inject them. Normally, they load from the figure, but it seems that since the scene was saved under DS3, DS4 doesn't know how to read them.
Actually expressions are morphs (or combinations of morphs). If you don't have the Data folder from your DS3 installation, you won't have the data files needed for the morphs, but if you load the figure from scratch, inject the morphs, and save the scene, then the data files for the morphs are recreated. SO it may be that after doing that, you can load an old scene and the expressions will work.
I still do have *all* data, and the directory path is unchanged, except that drive D:\ is now C:\. Maybe this is causing DS to be confused.
I understand that expressions are morphs, too. Still, they cannot be injected separately, as regular morphs can. Maybe it's different for other figures, but for David 3, there never were any separate expression morphs that could be injected. They always were there automatically when the figure was created, as opposed to morphs, which always had to be injected individually, as needed.
Now, when I load a scene that was saved under DS3, DS4.5 recognises the expressions, the dials are all there, and the numbers are as I had saved them back then. But the figure still remains expressionless. Playing with the dials has no visible effect.
"Import Asset(s) from Import Source(s)" makes the expressions work again, for that session; but when you save the scene, I'm greeted with a score of file not found messages.