What do I need to buy to get this going?

I am confused!!! on what to buy to get this up and going the simple way...do I need all of this stuff???
genesis generation X
v4 and m4 shapes for genesis
genesis evolution morph bundle
I just want a simple solution to be able to take v4 and m4 and use all the new clothes and things pose them and create pictures and morph new people......Help please and excuse me if this is listed somewhere the more I read the more confused I get I haven't been able to play with any of this stuff for 2 years since my other computer died so I am really behind the times so any advice would be helpfull...Thanks in advance Trish
Gen X will allow you to bring over other character injections to Genesis such as M4 and V4, so you're on the right track. If you wait until March, I suspect there may be a 50% off sale. I could be wrong, though.
A fuller explanation of what you want to do would help.
I guess what I want to do is be able to make my own char morphs and use old and new clothes on them. I didn't know if I needed to buy the new m4 and v4 to do that plus I have poser 6 and what I do is move them over to Bryce and make my scenes there because that is what I am used to...I mainly use Bryce
You can put V4 and M4 clothes on Genesis without buying anything else. I can't remember if the rest of Gen 4 also works that way. But if you want to use your old Gen4 morphs on Genesis, then GenX is the most common way to do it. There is a manual process that also allows it if I recall, but GenX is way simplier.
I don't still have links to the manual process, it was a lot of work. EDIT, link below.
But it seems like you don't need anything just yet, you can start using Genesis and put clothes on. Add morphs as you need them. Be sure to pick up some of the freebies while you are at it.
Here's a link to DieTryings's 182 Morphs for Genesis
EDIT: Found the link actually. This is some steps to transfer Figure morphs to genesis without buying GenX. You will still need to buy the corresponding shapes for Genesis from daz though.
Well, if you already have V4 and M4, with Morphs++, you can still use them in the latest version of DS4.5 to create characters based on them.
If you want a bit more than jsut the basic Genesis, you would probably need the Genesis Evolution Head and Body morphs, they are similar to what Morphs++ does for V4 and M4.
There is no new version of V4 or M4 for DS4.5, just the V4 and M4 Iconic shapes for Genesis, which makes Genesis 'look like' them, but you would still need to use autofit for Gen 4 clothing, as these shapes are still the basic Genesis figure. Any clothing that you buy for Genesis, will fit most of the Genesis morphs.
Thank you everyone very much this has helped me and I appreciate the links.....Trish
Here's must have freestuff:
The best clothing there is, period:
The best morph bundle there is, period:
And of course, anything by ME :P