Dupliquer avec symétrie - Duplicate with Symmetry

Il y a une chose que je n'ai toujours pas compris dans Carrara : comment choisir son axe de symétrie dans le modeleur polygonale.
Quelq'un aurait-il la gentillesse de m'expliquer comment faire s'il vous plaît ?
Dans le menu rien n'indique comment choisir cet axe comme on l'a dans la salle d'assemblage.
Est-ce un raccourci clavier ?


There is one thing that I still have not understood in Carrara: how to choose its axis of symmetry in the polygonal modeler.
Would anyone be kind enough to explain how to do it please ?
In the menu nothing indicates how to choose this axis as it is in the assembly room.
Is this a keyboard shortcut?

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  • TangoAlphaTangoAlpha Posts: 4,584
    edited April 2017

    Simple: there is a button on the side panel. Click which axis you want and it will show the "grid"

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    Post edited by TangoAlpha on
  • DiomedeDiomede Posts: 15,135
    edited April 2017



    I am sorry that I don't speak French, but I will write the instructions.  Hopefully, the translate function will be clear.  Please ask.


    Here are some important points about duplication with symmetry.

    - The plane of symmetry is on the menu on the left side.  It looks like a grid of three planes. Click the plane that you want to be symmetrical.

    - Use the control key and left click your mouse on the point of your model where you want to mirror your model.  The working box will move to that point.

    - Use the edit menu or control-shift-D to make the symmetry.  Choose whether or not to weld the result.  Be aware of the default weld tolerance when choosing.

    - To finish, use the View menu to reset the working box.


    Screenshots will follow.

    Post edited by Diomede on
  • DiomedeDiomede Posts: 15,135

    Here are screenshots to duplicate with symmetry across the X axis.

    rr02b side box to set plane.jpg
    871 x 479 - 62K
    rr03b jpg control left click on point to set center of symmetry.jpg
    1015 x 717 - 151K
    rr04b control shift D oruse edit menu duplicate with symmetry.jpg
    1327 x 680 - 143K
    rr05b result.jpg
    1205 x 748 - 141K
  • DiomedeDiomede Posts: 15,135

    Here are screenshots to duplicate with symmetry across the bottom axis.

    rr06b bottom plane.jpg
    885 x 668 - 105K
    rr07b control left click on point to center symmetry.jpg
    1115 x 710 - 166K
    rr09b result.jpg
    1126 x 928 - 196K
  • DiomedeDiomede Posts: 15,135

    TangoAlpha answered while I was typing.  He is brief and clear.

  • TangoAlphaTangoAlpha Posts: 4,584

    But he forgot to mention ctrl-click to set the mid point. blush

  • DiomedeDiomede Posts: 15,135

    But he did remember to convert his display to French before making the screenshots.  yes

  • TangoAlphaTangoAlpha Posts: 4,584

    Nah, Il a griffonné l'original de Jamy (dans mon best google French!)

  • JamyJamy Posts: 192

    Merci Beaucoup TangoAlpha et Diomede, j'ai appris énormément en très peu de temps grace à vous deux :)

    J'ai refait l'exercice et ça marche super bien (c'était simple, mais il fallait le savoir).

    Mais, je suis désolé, j'ai un autre soucis ... c'est la symétrie ! Une fois mon objet dupliqué, la symétrie n'est pas toujours au milieu et en plus elle ne fonctionne pas !

    Comment controler tout ça ?


    Many thanks TangoAlpha and Diomede, I learned a lot in a very short time thanks to both of you :)

    I did the exercise again and it works great (it was simple, but you had to know).

    But, I'm sorry, I have another worry ... it's symmetry! Once my duplicate object, the symmetry is not always in the middle and in addition it does not work!

    How to control all this?


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  • DiomedeDiomede Posts: 15,135

    I am not sure.  Here are a couple of suggestions.

    1.  There is a command under the Model menu to center symmetry plane on selection.  It should be the last option on the list.

    2.  Model your mesh so that the point to be selected is at zero on the axis.  For example, if duplicating across the X axis, make sure your half model ends at X=0.  If duplicating across the Y axis, make sure your half model ends at Y=0.  If duplicating across the Z axis, make sure yout model ends at Z=0.

    3.  Make sure that you have used the View menu to reset the working box after you duplicate.

    Hope one of these works.

  • JamyJamy Posts: 192
    Diomede said:

    I am not sure.  Here are a couple of suggestions.

    1.  There is a command under the Model menu to center symmetry plane on selection.  It should be the last option on the list.

    2.  Model your mesh so that the point to be selected is at zero on the axis.  For example, if duplicating across the X axis, make sure your half model ends at X=0.  If duplicating across the Y axis, make sure your half model ends at Y=0.  If duplicating across the Z axis, make sure yout model ends at Z=0.

    3.  Make sure that you have used the View menu to reset the working box after you duplicate.

    Hope one of these works.

    Diomede, c'est tout à fait ça !!
    1 - sélectionner des points
    2 - dans le menu "modèle", choisir la dernière ligne "Centrer plan de symetrie sur sélection"
    3 - et c'est tout !

    La symetrie peut se faire avant ou après la duplication, j'ai testé les 2 options. Même si les points ne sont pas à zéro.

    Merci énormément pour ces clarifications qui permettent de maitriser encore mieux Carrara. :)


    Diomede, that's it!
    1 - select points
    2 - in the "model" menu, select the last line "Center plan of symmetry on selection"
    3 - and that's it!

    The symmetry can be done before or after the duplication, I tested the 2 options. Even if the points are not zero.

    Thank you so much for these clarifications that make it possible to master Carrara even better. :)


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  • CelluloCellulo Posts: 60
    edited April 2018

    Just having the same problem with symmetry in vertex modeler and the quick fix with this post thanks, more info can be found in the "Carrara_7_User_Guide" pdf file at page 175 "Changing the drawing plane" and "The Symmetry plane" at page 382.

    Post edited by Cellulo on
  • DiomedeDiomede Posts: 15,135

    There is also a plugin from Digital Carvers Guild called "project gemini" which addresses duplicate with symmetry.  Project gemini is now free and open source.  Although I use the standard Carrara 8.5 tools for duplicate with symmetry, it is nice to know that project gemini is available.

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