DS4.5 Mac and Space Navigator?
Hi All:
I just got my new iMac 27" on Tuesday and I want to use my Space Navigator (3D mouse) with DAZ Studio 4.5. It works fine on my PC, and it works with other 3D programs on the Mac (tested with Second Life). It does not work with DS4.5 on the Mac.
Any ideas how to get Mac DS4.5 to recognize the Space Navigator?
Thanks for any help you can offer.
~ Russ
According to the manufacturers, they support the Windows version. You might want to contact them directly to find out if they even support the MAC version first.
I have not yet trired to get my SN working with DS. I thought, tho, that the latest (beta) driver for the SN made it possible to use it with any program, regardless of whether the program had built-in support for it or not. You would have to map the axis and the buttons to the funcions you want them to perform yourself, so it would not be ideal, but maybe it's useable.