Daz 4.5 Smart content suddenly stopped showing in smart content panel?

I was working on a character last night and scrapped it shut of my computer and went to bed, this morning none of my smart content is working.
I made sure the manager was running, I re-imported meta-date, I uninstalled and re-installed the starter essentials, then repeated the previous steps and still nothing!
Any Ideas?
samething happened to me... it was working, then it wasn't.... I just turned it off and quit using it...
What OS are you using, and what version of DS 4.5, look in Help > About DAZ Studo for the full version number.
What OS are you using, and what version of DS 4.5, look in Help > About DAZ Studo for the full version number.
windows 7, version pro edition (64 bit)
Same thing happend to me just now.
Vista Home Basic, version pro edition (64 bit)
Sometimes I have to click on ALL button when it doesn't show up automatically in the smart content tab.
If you don't see the little triangles opposite Products and Categories, as shown in the image below, then your CMS (Content Management Service) is not running. You would need to investigate that.
Be careful to check out firewall software since DAZ uses the net to provide smart content. Also try StartContent Management Service from start menu.
simular just happened to me. Although i have 4.0 pro. I did everything I read here: http://wiki.daz3d.com/doku.php/artzone/pub/software/dazcms_check
While I was doing it I noticed something. In the services panel DCM was stopped. So I started it up. And loaded up Daz Studio. Now while still having the services panel opened I noticed that as soon as Daz Studio started, DCM would stop. I re-did this about 5 times and everytime DCM would stop right when Daz Studio starts. The only thing it seams to affected is the smart content. I can still open old files. But I really like the way it was orginized. Can someone help??
I have Win 7 btw.
I am not certain about DS4.5, but certainly with DS4.0, the main installer did not touch the CMS when you did a re-install. It installed the latest version of DS4, but left the CMS in place.
What you need to do, is to uninstall the CMS from Start > All Programs > DAZ 3D, and then install DS4.0 again, this will ensure that the latest version of CMS is installed along with the application.
I would think a firewall would not block a program it has previously let through- it's not an on and off again type thing (or you have a pretty worthless program) I am windows 64 bit and the stupid thing just did the same thing for me. The content was there, now nothing's working in smart content.
I did notice (like what was mentioned) that the OLD CMS was there- I deleted it. Am reinstalling.
doesnt work. Tried clicking all types of things, no go. CMS not running. Reinstalling / uninstalling AGAIN.
Any luck? Nothing has worked for me yet
Do you see the triangles next to Products and Categories as shown previously?
Did you uninstall the CMS (not delete), and then reinstall DS4.5.
Have you tried starting CMS from the Start > All Programs > DAZ 3D menu?
Do you see the triangles next to Products and Categories as shown previously?
Did you uninstall the CMS (not delete), and then reinstall DS4.5.
Have you tried starting CMS from the Start > All Programs > DAZ 3D menu?
I had already uninstalled the CMS and tried that before I went the delete route, my CMS reinstalled again when I reinstalled the studio, I installed the studio before the Genesis Essentials, I will probably have to go back to old version. :(
Would you start the CMS BEFORE you open the studio? I am assuming so? I'll give it a try.
EDIT: I did the start/programs/daz/content management system route, still nothing, so went to the little square in upper right corner of the left viewing pane where all the tabs are and just checked to import meta data. Didnt check anything else. Will let you know. Meta data is coming
in. I just left checked the "Show as new item" and "New user data overrides product data" as I havent done anything and havent a clue what that means anyway!
Okay, that put the products with metadata over in the smart content. Now I have a basic newbie question (because this was also working before, and now I dont think it is-) the Content Library- to use that do I need to have the figure selected (Genesis) and use the Universal tool, or does it matter? Genesis figure is selected, and the only thing I can see is the face, says ACTOR, Genesis. Where on earth is the menu, all I have is the search?
What the ??????? I moved my zoom tool and it created a second genesis figure on top of the other one! (Trust me, I've used the zoom tool before, I simply clicked on the figure and dragged!) Wow.
The Content Library tab does NOT rely on the CMS or Metadata to diplay your content.
The Content Library pane should have DAZ Studio Formats, below that Poser Formats, and below that Other ImportFormats. If you right click on either DAZ Studio Formats or Poser Formats, you should get a context menu with a Refresh option at the bottom. Try using that.
In the content menu for the Content Library pane, as shown, click on Content Directory Manager, and make sure that your My Library folder is selected as both DS AND Poser Formats.
Thanks, will try when I get back home. I knew it had nothing to do with metadata (that's why its not smart, lol) but it had that option so I was doubting my sanity. (Which happens often.)
Do you see the triangles next to Products and Categories as shown previously?
Did you uninstall the CMS (not delete), and then reinstall DS4.5.
Have you tried starting CMS from the Start > All Programs > DAZ 3D menu?
I was really hoping I wouldnt have to reinstall DS4.5 that would be alot of content id have to reinstall too
To reinstall DS4.5, you don't need to reinstall content as well. The uninstaller only uninstalls the items that it installed in the first place, it does not touch content folders, only the main application.
If you don't uninstall CMS first, reinstalling DS4.5 will not replace the CMS, you must uninstall CMS first, then reinstall DS4.5. All of your content should not be touched. After you have done that, post again, and tell us if the CMS is running or not.
Related to the first two posts: I'm beginning to think that somehow, DAZ itself did something to clobber Smart Content, possibly in prep for the new Install Manager.
I've never ever turned off metadata import in Smart Content, even when I've moved things around. People kept saying that various features depended on it, so I just left it alone and didn't care if the items in it were broken, because I never use it.
Last week, I purchased the Freak5 Pro Bundle and installed it on a installation of Studio, along with that week's PC items. I expected that there would be a huge list of metadata to be processed. When I then started Studio after that, there was ... nothing. No list, no new items in Smart Content, nothing. As I say, I've never turned it off, and I don't use it, so since I could still work with items in Content Library, I just shrugged and went on.
Then several people started posting that their Smart Content went walkabout on the same day that mine did. At first, I thought it was maybe related to the Freak5 bundle -- that there was something in that metadata that took out Smart Content somehow.
Today, I had to reset and reinstall two older items on a totally different workstation with an older installation of Studio, These items are both Genesis sets, but early enough that they both still have user-facing DSF files and not DUFs; one even still has its own separate metadata file. The first time I installed them, months ago on my first workstation, both items brought up the list of metadata to be processed. Today, neither one did. I installed the separate metadata file. No prompt, no processing. And neither item now appears in Smart Content.
The CMS is running, and was on both machines. Products and Categories over in the Content Library continues to work without a hitch. It's just Smart Content that's suddenly fallen over.
That strongly suggests that somehow DAZ has done something, possibly some sort of push or something included in the main files for all products; I should not be getting the same peculiar behavior from different products in different versions on different workstations unless something has changed at the other end of the transaction.
I don't actually care if Smart Content dies or slinks quietly away ... but this seems very odd indeed.
My Smart Content is still working, and the Freak stuff had Metadata as well which appeared after updating the next time I loaded DS 4.5
I have noticed no difference at all in the way DS handles it.
No change here, either, .56 and F5 and Smart Content works fine. What security programs are you guys using?
Two entirely different security setups on two entirely different computers, and nothing has changed on either of them, yet they're both acting the same. If the firewall/AV were going to block metadata, there would be a message of some sort from either program that it was getting blocked for suspicious activity. When I downloaded the separate metadata installer and used that, there wasn't any alert or message
EDIT: And on the second computer, I just discovered that "Startup > Show Metadata Import Page" option was disabled. Don't know how or why; I may have hit something by mistake. That may be the issue on the other workstation as well; I won't know for a while yet. I apologize for the grand conspiracy theory.
Well for me.....I now have to manually load CMS before I run Daz (newest version) (both reinstalled like above) and if I load something from it it seems to crash the CMS and Studio remains working....so its definatly a problem on there end (it happened durring one of the updates (I think the last one) and hasnt worked since....lol... not that I care but If its a function they want me to use then they better fix it I'm no beta tester or error reporter so Ill just deal with it
I joined the club earlier today! I've lost all Smart Content, yet everything seems to be running ok. I notice that when I select Genesis, or anything for that matter, the Shaping, Posing and Surfaces tabs all say "Nothing selected", and the dropdown's greyed out so I can't highlight the object that way either. Obviously since Studio thinks nothing's selected, nothing shows up in these tabs. Just a large expanse of grey!
It's not disastrous since I rarely use Smart Content, but sometimes it would nice to be able to use the Shaping tab at least! And without all the pretty thumbnails the whole interface looks very dull and bare! I did note that over the last few days groups of morphs have gradually been disappearing from the Shaping tab, which I thought was weird, prior to everything buggering off.
Everything is still accessible from the Parameters tab, and I use that 90% of the time anyway, so I can carry on using Studio as usual, but it is none the less slightly alarming. I won't fret about it, but will keep an eye out in the forums for any clues or suggestions as to what the devil's afoot :)
Got BBC News playing in the background, and between headlines they're now running an item on the history and merits of animated gif files. Surreal or what?!
My smart content is empty. For how long its been that way I don't know. I start the CMS by right clicking and choose run as administrator to make sure Norton isn't interfering with it. I confirm it is running with task manager. I then open Daz Studio by also right clicking and running as administrator. It begins Reading Asset but "blips out" as CMS stops running. I confirmed through task manager that CMS has stopped running. I have a huge amount of content and have recently installed and ran the new Installation Manager. I also mapped the new directory location within Daz Studio. Any suggestions? Is there a limit on how many runtimes or the amount of content that it can handle in a directory?
What OS are you uisng, is it Win7?
My CMS starts when I boot up my PC, and I just leave it running, but if there is a problem with the CMS, then you should uninstall it from Start > All Programs > DAZ 3D, and then reinstall DS4.5. There is also a newer version of DS 4.5. version
Make sure that you uninstall the CMS first before reinstalling DS4.5.
Are you using all of the defaults for installing the CMS when running the main installer?
What OS are you uisng, is it Win7?
My CMS starts when I boot up my PC, and I just leave it running, but if there is a problem with the CMS, then you should uninstall it from Start > All Programs > DAZ 3D, and then reinstall DS4.5. There is also a newer version of DS 4.5. version
Make sure that you uninstall the CMS first before reinstalling DS4.5.
Are you using all of the defaults for installing the CMS when running the main installer?
Yes, Win7. I uninstalled the CMS, downloaded DS4.5.1.56 and installed it. Opened DazStudio and saw the CMS attempt to run and then again "blip" it stopped. I confirmed this with task manager. I decided to unmap all directories within the content manager, closed DazStudio and then restarted the CMS before reopening DazStudio. Again, opening DazStudio kills the CMS. :( Oh, and yes, I used all defaults during installation. Maybe I need to reboot but I've run out of time to work on this right now. Thanks for the suggestions. It's appreciated.
It sounds to me like something is preventing CMS from running correctly. You would need to check your anti-virus programs, as they are likely culprits.
You could try stopping any AV programs for a short while (no need to be connected to the internet), then try running CMS and DAZ Studio, it may prove it one way or another. I am running Win7 as well, and I have never had any problems with CMS. The only AV I have running is MSE (Microsoft Security Essentials).