Roamer Bot, New from the AntFarm [Commercial]

AntManAntMan Posts: 2,078
edited April 2017 in Daz PA Commercial Products

I wanted to finish off the sale with something I love, Robots! No not in the creepy way. Man try and so some feelings and society slams you down.

But seriously I hope you like this guy.

3100 x 1530 - 2M
1530 x 2100 - 1M
Post edited by Cris Palomino on


  • GreybroGreybro Posts: 2,505

    I like. I like.

  • XenomorphineXenomorphine Posts: 2,421
    edited April 2017

    One of your most realistic! For a humanoid robot, this looks very good.

    Any possibility you might do some Terminator-style geo-grafted robotic limbs for the Genesis 3 range in the future? The ones for this model have a nice industrial look to them.

    EDIT: Does this have Iray textures or is it 3Delight-only?

    Post edited by Xenomorphine on
  • AntManAntMan Posts: 2,078

    Thanks! I do need to do a genesis three geo -Limb and Iray is base texture.


  • Joe WebbJoe Webb Posts: 837

    This has to be one of your best.

  • Seriously cool

  • AntManAntMan Posts: 2,078

    Thanks Josh, and Joe.

  • ArtAngelArtAngel Posts: 1,797

    Wow!. In my cart.

  • ArtAngelArtAngel Posts: 1,797

    I only joined late 2016 and  your making me think about applying for food stamps! 

    1276 x 280 - 38K
  • AntManAntMan Posts: 2,078

    Sorry and Thanks! The worst part is I have so many other ideas!!!


  • Oso3DOso3D Posts: 15,045

    Any plans on releasing additional textures for Roamer?


  • AntManAntMan Posts: 2,078

    I'd like to do an add on, the usual is military and law enforcement textures. Maybe an alternate head.You have any ideas you want to add I'm open.



  • Oso3DOso3D Posts: 15,045

    At a first pass, it'd be nice if some of the logos were on decals or layers so they were easier to change. Not sure how easy that is to make as distributable shader stuff on your end.

    Also the usual clean/dirty options, maybe?

    It would be nice to have overlays (either actual Diffuse Overlay or LIE layers or ... whatever), so you could quickly have, say, brushed steel with painted yellow bits. or brushed steel with painted blue bits. Or copper with the same previous bit options. Or...

    (I tend to think from a tinkering point of view)


  • SzarkSzark Posts: 10,634

    I won't judge you for loving robots in a non creepy way...everyone needs a little love, even robots.

  • Griffin AvidGriffin Avid Posts: 3,779

    How did I miss this this thread?! Your bot head is a main character in my story. (see the sig).

    Couldn't believe there is more. I was struggling with an unrigged body and decided on humanoid. 

    So incredibly happy you added a body. Would love to see actual body variations..

    Field soldier with enclosed frame and bulkier body and sniper version with slender build but something super-top heavy on the shoulder....

    And one of those massively long rifles...

    Urban pacification unit- much like a militarized trooper force and of course

    vehicles for them to roam around in....

    I love your products and have been collecting them all. 

  • GreybroGreybro Posts: 2,505
    AntMan said:

    I'd like to do an add on, the usual is military and law enforcement textures. Maybe an alternate head.You have any ideas you want to add I'm open.



    How about an alternate Bladed hand of some kind?

  • AntManAntMan Posts: 2,078

    AVXP I enjoyed the Graphic novel very much thanks for the link, now make the movie version!

    As always some good ideas and yes decals can be layers, so good input there.

  • GreybroGreybro Posts: 2,505

    Hey AntMan,

    Would you think me a jerk if I pointed out that you broke your own product convention with this release putting him in a folder called, "Figure" instead of "Figures" as with the Humpback Whale. I'm moving the two products into "Figures," so no biggie to me. Just you might want to updated that for consistency if you ever hacve cause to update either of these products.

    I really love this guy! i'm already on a 360 battle scene with him. Thanks very much for the cloth and weapon addon. Very cool indeed! Addon textures would be an insta buy for me.

  • Oso3DOso3D Posts: 15,045

    Here's the Roamer bot in a different style (also mostly different textures)


    Robot Conclave.png
    1748 x 1080 - 2M
  • AntManAntMan Posts: 2,078

    No it should be "Figures" I will let DAZ know I have no idea how that got passed the testers???? Thanks.


  • AntManAntMan Posts: 2,078

    WT, neat shot of the bot and cool filter.

  • SimonJMSimonJM Posts: 5,999
    edited April 2017

    My 2nd go with 'him', this time with teh robot as the main figure:


    1500 x 1200 - 1023K
    Post edited by Chohole on
  • wsterdanwsterdan Posts: 2,418
    AntMan said:

    I'd like to do an add on, the usual is military and law enforcement textures. Maybe an alternate head.You have any ideas you want to add I'm open.

    I snapped him up immediately, and I'd grab those add-ones just as quickly. wink

    -- Walt Sterdan

  • AntManAntMan Posts: 2,078

    SimonJM Nice! Thanks for sharing.

  • GhostofMacbethGhostofMacbeth Posts: 1,676


  • Serene NightSerene Night Posts: 17,677

    Can you use any poses from say m4/Genesis or one of the other generations on him?

  • AntManAntMan Posts: 2,078

    I have not tried that. I did not build him on that rig so I am guessing it would be funky at best.


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