Is there a way to make "Money Business" more like a child or import into a Genesis format?

I would like to know if the 3D Universe "Monkey Business" can be altered or changed in D|S 4.5 to make it more like a baby or a younger version. I have tried to do this in both Poser and D|S and it just makes the character improperly proportioned.
Well, to answer the title's question, no it can't be converted into a Genesis morph as the models are completely different. To answer the second, arguably it might be possible if you really went nuts on editing, but I think it would rather defeat the purpose considering there are already plenty of young morphs available for Genesis making a monkey hybrid something of an oddity.
By default Genesis comes with the Basic Child morph, so at the very least you can blend it with existing morphs to get some unique characters out of it. I'm not really seeing the merit in turning a monkey into a child.
But I can see the use for a young monkey...
I should have rephrased it to say - a younger version of the monkey (baby monk or childlike version)
So, are there directions or videos to show how to get a baby monk not a baby gorilla from the existing morphs?