Photoshop cs5 wont export image maps to Daz 4.5

I can import them to photoshop but after I make a alteration and export image maps back nothing changes. Even when I click on "Preview image" the image is the same...what am I doing wrong? I just want to change colors of stuff...
Have you tried refreshing the images (CTRL+I)? Daz uses cached images, so needs refreshing them from time to time. I'm also of the habit of changing textures and the like on-the-fly, so this one had me stumped initially as well. Look under the surfaces tab and click the menu icon and you'll get an option to "automatically refresh images". It might prove useful if you're doing this a lot.
Thank you for the suggestion,i tried it and at the bottom of the screen it says it failed to load the exported map.... =/
I don't bother using the Photoshop bridge anymore. Not worth it. It is just as fast (and more controllable) to find the texture for change (use Surfaces for this), open in Photoshop, change, save out to a new file and then select it the surfaces tab. One also then has more control over the naming and number of revised textures as bridge may propagate lots of unused versions before you get to the one you end up using.