"Stacking" the tabbed interface...

Wondering if there's a way to stack the different panes on top of each other.
Right now, if I click an item in the scene tab, all the tabs collapse and the SCENE tab eats up the entire vertical column. If I select a parameter, the Scene tab folds up and the entire vertical strip becomes...parameters. Wondering if there's a way to get them to occupy a set abount of vertical space and see the SCENE tab AND the PARAMETERS tab at the same time.
What's the problem? I find myself changing parameters for the wrong object in a scene because it was the last thing I adjusted. Sometimes I click on an object and the right thing seems to highlight, like a hand, but on the parameters tab, it's only a finger or part of an figure that's sitting BEHIND what I'm trying to work on. In other words, I almost always want to see what I'm working on in the scene tab no matter what else the interface is doing. I'd rather not undock anything or float windows if it can be avoided.
As long as Pane Docking/Undocking is allowed in Window>Workspace you should be able to drag the tab into the pane group you want to add it to. You can also right-click in an empty area of the pane group, beside the existing tab(s), and select Add Pane (Tab)>pane you want to add.
Clicking on an active tab (one that is showing its content in the group) will collapse that colum/row of pane groups to show only the tabs.