ESCoRT Scout Mk-2.0 [CONTEST W…
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Mil Cat combat edition. Add-on Gatling guns, rocket launchers, main gun...
Sorry :ohh:
Mil Cat combat edition. Add-on Gatling guns, rocket launchers, main gun...
Sorry :ohh:
you know, if you made it the mil big cat, i could almost go for that, its Battle Kat !!!!
I'd like to throw my vote towards a Genesis version of Gigaliens. Pretty, pretty, please. :)
again. not a DzFire product, Gigaliens was by RawArt and The AntFarm, this is for DzFire products only
what was that rule again? all requests for non-DzFire products are automatically counted as votes for the Weazel, is that how it goes?
Mil Cat combat edition. Add-on Gatling guns, rocket launchers, main gun...
Sorry :ohh:
Goodness, surely you meant CATLING guns.
By the way, read Grant Morrison's WE3 and suddenly the idea is not that stupid or silly anymore.
Can we pick two???
Because I love cowboy gumdrop, but I equally love AR Wraith Marines!!!!
Oh wow.... tough call..... augh.... please let me say BOTH!!!
no, you can only pick Escort Weazel ;-)
*makes a face at LycanthropeX* nooooooo I pick.... gumdrop! no..... wraith! AUGH brain melting! I pick...gumdrop???
How you doing Lx?
i'm ok, you?
I'd say the E APE could use a Mark 2 version - The E COW!
It would help The Daz Cow in the effort to invade Utah and take The DAZ Building hostage so as to Force them to release The Millennium Cow!
As much as I hate to imply any of your products need improving, I'll go with the ESCoRT Dogg too, if only because I want to enter the contest. :)
Morphing Fantasy Dress made DYNAMIC.
AR Ghost for genesis would be the cats meow
The "ESCoRT Caiman" would be my vote.
ESCoRT Caiman didn't come out that long ago, you think it needs an upgrade already?
Cowboy Gumdrops for Genesis is my vote.
YES! More votes for Cowboy Gumdrops! Let's make it happen to Genesis!
I'd have to vote for an update on the Dystopia Destinations Audience Hall, mainly to get it out from the "Dystopia" tag so that it's totally yours. Also to get more gadgets/items/epehemera in the scene. Maybe with the options for making it a "good guy" destination as well as a "bad guy" destination.
I vote the ESCoRT Weazel.
Alexa :)
I'll go with Cowboy Gumdrops as well.
Isn't there already a bunch of recent vehicles like the Weazel there?
I vote for the Escort Scout, cos' there's not enough variety of mech's in Daz-verse.
Second would be the Escort NDN.
I would love to see the 2007 AM Limo
You can do lots of stuff with a Limo! ;-)
Whoa; I thought I wouldn't have any horse in this race, but Cowboy Gumdrops for Genesis would R0xx0r! That's my vote.
-- Morgan
This was in the works, though not a Mark2
This was in the works, though not a Mark2
whoa, that is soooooo totally awesome, i needz it, it looks like it got chewed up and spit out by one of my dinos
will there be a Weazel version?
will it take the Caiman textures as well? so you can render it as like freshly damaged?
I didn't intend to release it thinking there wouldn't be any interest. Time to put the thinking hat on again
I didn't intend to release it thinking there wouldn't be any interest. Time to put the thinking hat on again