I seem to be missing my Smart Content tab. oO

I am a noob to Daz Studio Pro, and am starting to work my way through a couple of learn-how-to-use-Daz-Studio tutorial books, both of which make extensive use of the My Stuff tab (in one book) or Smart Content tab (in the other), but when I go to my Actors, Wardrobe & Props activity tab to follow that part of the tutorial, the only tabs I see on the left are Shaping, and Surfaces (Color), The Smart Content tab is missing altogether. Is something borked? oO
Top menu, choose WINDOW --> PANES --> slide down to find Smart Content (House icon) that will open its TAB. You can grab the frame and drag it around the interface and stick it along any the sides to stick it there.
And/or you can reset your workspace WINDOW --> WORKSPACE --> SELECT LAYOUT and choose one (most newer heads choose hollywood.)
Okay, I did that, and now see my Smart Content over on the left under Actors. Wardrobe & Props. Thank you.