Anyone use AoA Advanced Spotlight? HELP! Richard, where are youuuu

This is the product
Simple enough. I'm looking to make a spotlight. Just like the promo. That's all. A spotlight.
Read the Manual.....Created the lights, selected a material, worked the settings and nothing renders. Scene looks normal, no lights.
Not even a little light spot where the lights are.
I also searched and found a thread saying this is broken for iray, but that might be their previous light product.
This was JUST on sale a few weeks ago, so I can't see it being a problem with iray.
Any help is appreciated.
And there's no way to see the light set up (aside from the wireframe cones) before a render?
AoA Advanced lights are for 3Delight renderer, not Iray.
It's ADVANCED spotlight. it doesn't say that ANYWHERE that it's 3Delight only!!!!!!!!
Okay WHOOOOOO makes a damn spotlight for iray?
And no I don't want that POSER prop. lol
Just click Create a Spotlight at the top of your screen? Spotlights are part of standard options.
It's release date predates the introduction of the Iray render engine to DAZ Studio. Anything that old is 3Delight unless (a) it has been specifically updated to work in Iray, or (b) it's the kind of thing that works in either engine. It was indeed "Advanced" for it's time - for those of us who still use 3Delight a lot it is still a great light that is full of features the standard spotlight doesn't have, although a couple of them don't work in the latest DAZ Studio version.
ETA: Will's right about just clicking the spotlight for use with Iray - but be aware that they load at very low illumination levels (1500 lumen) which you'll probably need to increase a lot to get a bright light.
I'm trying to make a spotlight like that promo pic
or the headlight on a vehicle.
That possible?
There is this product (which I don't have):
Or experiment with volumetric settings:
(An example of the latter in one my tries - not there yet)
That requires a volume effect to catch the light. It can be done in Iray, there are at least a couple of store products or you could experiment with the dispersive settings in the Iray uber shader applied to a cube or other primitive (the camera and, I think, light need to be outside the shape).
Sounds too technical for now. What are the other products? I am rendering an image with the Daz default spotlight- with tweaked settings.
Hopefully this works...
The 3Delight engine gave me a black scene with illuminated headlights. lol
I'm about to go with photshop and some of Ron's optical flares.
Okay I returned the AOA and grabbed the godrays --
Holy, no literally holy-moley those are some crazy lights. It's not even that complicated to use.
Blessings on its creator. Luckily, for once, it was discounted too.
Sometimes you win after losing.
God rays is great. Iray appeals to a sense of MUST SIMULATE EVERYTHING, but that's nuts.
Godrays and things like it use old styles of semitransparent plates to create great effects without a huge render hit.
depending on what you want