Someone has developed a Character Preset to allow Carrara users to use Genesis 3 ?



  • VyusurVyusur Posts: 2,235

    Most of all, HD realism spoils teeth shape in some morphs.

  • VyusurVyusur Posts: 2,235

    I never need neither HD addons nor HD realism at all. I nearly always use my own morphs in which I control the needed level of realism at the stage of modeling. All other shapes I store just for fun and for extra skins.

  • SileneUKSileneUK Posts: 1,971
    edited March 2017
    MistyRara said:

    hd morphs have a different file extension.  in ds, i cant see what the mouth realism hd does.

    just noticed today they haz the hangy glotis thing back of throat

    Vyusur said:  Most of all, HD realism spoils teeth shape in some morphs.

    Guess all this HD mouth interior stuff is for those 'deep throat' renders devil  Silene

    Post edited by SileneUK on
  • TangoAlphaTangoAlpha Posts: 4,584

    Or dentists . . . wink

  • SileneUKSileneUK Posts: 1,971

    Or dentists . . . wink

    Hahahaha... me other half has just gone to an appt. Son's wedding in July... needed to sort his 'Compo' smile from a damaged cap and wonky bridge (from his youth rugby days). cheeky Silene

  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675

    i'se still a mite flabbergasted at the "reaction".  not even to look at it. a great eye lidless , wreathed in flames

  • ChoholeChohole Posts: 33,604

    Misty,  I was totally ignored when I forst applied to be a pa,  also the 2nd time.   I refused to try and see if it was 3rd time lucky, and decided to stick with making freebies.   At that ime ShareCG was giving dividends, which gave a small income,  and Of course once they invented the PayPal donate button I got a bit more.  Certainly have got more that way that I got for becoming a vendor at Rendo,  where I managed to sell a grand total of 12 copies of each of my prducts,  despite having always had freebie downloads in the high hundreds, and for one set even over a thousand.

  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675
    Chohole said:

    Misty,  I was totally ignored when I forst applied to be a pa,  also the 2nd time.   I refused to try and see if it was 3rd time lucky, and decided to stick with making freebies.   At that ime ShareCG was giving dividends, which gave a small income,  and Of course once they invented the PayPal donate button I got a bit more.  Certainly have got more that way that I got for becoming a vendor at Rendo,  where I managed to sell a grand total of 12 copies of each of my prducts,  despite having always had freebie downloads in the high hundreds, and for one set even over a thousand.


    is a nice little hobby, leaves 1 hand free to hold cuppa tea, warms feel good on my fingers

  • UnifiedBrainUnifiedBrain Posts: 3,588
    Chohole said:

    Misty,  I was totally ignored when I forst applied to be a pa,  also the 2nd time.   I refused to try and see if it was 3rd time lucky, and decided to stick with making freebies.  

    Except chohole, the context in this case was much different.  Here you had dozens of people loudly supporting her effort, as it was a much-requested breakthrough product.

    Maybe I am wrong, but for them to not even look at it tells me that something else is going on.


    MistyRara said:

    a great eye lidless , wreathed in flames

    Ha!  Kind of sounds like a darker version of one of my contest entries.


    Music for the eyes1.png
    1800 x 1040 - 2M
  • 3DAGE3DAGE Posts: 3,311

    How is this adding the new weight mapping system to carrara,. ?



  • ChoholeChohole Posts: 33,604

    Maybe I am wrong, but for them to not even look at it tells me that something else is going on. 

    Misty said they had responded.

  • UnifiedBrainUnifiedBrain Posts: 3,588

    They responded to pics of the product, but not the product itself.  That's why Misty said "still a mite flabbergasted at the "reaction".  not even to look at it."

    But if I'm correct, not looking at the product made perfect sense from their perspective.

    BTW - your link didn't work.  It may be a deleted comment that only works for moderators.

  • ChoholeChohole Posts: 33,604

    I can't comment any further.  I have a feeling that this is probably similar to the Poser version someone had avalable,  which technically was not really Genesis 3 any more, because of the weight mapping,  but I could well be wrong,  beccause as a Bryceaholic I don't do weightmapping  

  • UnifiedBrainUnifiedBrain Posts: 3,588
    Chohole said:

    I can't comment any further.

    I understand.

    Chohole said:

      I have a feeling that this is probably similar to the Poser version someone had avalable,  which technically was not really Genesis 3 any more, because of the weight mapping,

    Others have asked a similar question, including 3DAGE just a few minutes ago.  So, it seems obvious that one needs to actually test the product - and not just look at pictures - to know its limitations.

    Chohole said:

      but I could well be wrong,  beccause as a Bryceaholic I don't do weightmapping  

    I feel compelled to add that I'm also amazed at what can be done in Bryce.  In my view, the fact that both Bryce and Carrara need updating (in general) is separate from the G3 issue.  I think that both camps need to continue to advocate for upgrades from Daz, using whatever means possible (within boundaries, of course).  So, we have a mutual interest.  As Ben Franklin said, "If we don't all hang together, we most certainly will all hang separately."

    In the meantime, encouraging plugin development from 3rd parties seems to be a practical way forward.


  • ChoholeChohole Posts: 33,604

    I make my stance obvious with every post I make, and you can see by my number that I do make a few posts. However plug-ins are different, this would appear to not be a plug-in

  • TangoAlphaTangoAlpha Posts: 4,584

    They responded to pics of the product, but not the product itself.  That's why Misty said "still a mite flabbergasted at the "reaction".  not even to look at it."

    But if I'm correct, not looking at the product made perfect sense from their perspective.

    BTW - your link didn't work.  It may be a deleted comment that only works for moderators.

    That's the way the reviews system works. You MUST have top notch promo pictures to get to the next stage. The first hurdle is having promos that say "Wow I've gotta buy this" without even knowing what it is for. They WILL look at the description, but the images have to sell it first. It's hard to be 100% sure from just a few words, but 99 times out of 10 when they say no, it's the images. Especially for first-timers. And you can always go back and ask them for clarification - they don't bite.

    (and yes, every PA has to go through the review process for every product. It's why I have no nails!)

  • UnifiedBrainUnifiedBrain Posts: 3,588
    edited March 2017

    I didn't mean to suggest that you are not a Bryce advocate.  I know the opposite is true to say the least.  Sorry if it came off that way.

    I also wasn't suggesting that Misty has made a plugin.  Maybe, to avoid confusion, I should not have used the word plugin at all, and simply said "encouraging development from 3rd parties seems to be a practical way forward."

    Post edited by UnifiedBrain on
  • Rashad CarterRashad Carter Posts: 1,799
    edited March 2017


    I'm sorry you didn't get the feedback you deserved, Misty. But it is in no way a reflection upon you.


    Thanks for reading my crazy posts from time to time. I look forward to lots of fun conversations with you.

    On the issue. I've gotten myself into a lot of trouble over the years both in defense and in offense to the behaviors of Daz3d. Like you, I feel their actions lead any observer to obvious conclusions about their intentions. However, a bit like an Overlord, we just aren't allowed to discuss the conspiracies we observe because some of the conspiracies are merely perceived and unfounded, while others are truly legit, it's impossible to untangle the mess of the two. So it's easier to just quell the discussions early on. Thus, the eyes watching probably won't allow any discussion on the subject to mature very far.

    Even with no dedicated conspiracies. Even with no deliberate effort to leave Carrara behind, we could still end up in the position we find ourselves in due to the general flow of space-time......

    Carrara isn't the only application undergoing this change. From a content sales standpoint Carrara can be considered a Poser-lite. Just like DS, both Poser and Carrara are both supposed to host Daz content seamlessly, or so it was advertised in the past. But it was clear to me even in the past that DS has been trying to siphon Poser users for years, especially once it became obvious that the Daz figures were orders of magnitude better than the Poser native figures. Maybe siphon Carrara users as well. That said....

    1. Just how long did we expect Daz to keep going with the Carrara and Poser compatibility for each new generation of Daz figures paradigm? Just because it happened in the past doesn't mean it would continue to happen in the future. As each new DazStudio generation introduces new tech like HD morphing, various different weight mapping approaches.. none of which were native to Carrara or Poser but were all DS specific research. Porting these new tools into Carrara and Poser is most certainly a huge challenge. At some point, DS had to cut the umbilical cord, to divorce itself from dependence on these other apps if it was to mature on its own. After years of forced compatibility, they likely will feel they have already reached out to enough Carrara users and hopefully baited a few of them into using DS to some degree. The purpose of all of this is to both sell content and to increase the number of people using DazStudio at the same time. Even if that means fewer people using Carrara or Poser. Ideally, they want DS to be the user's first intro to 3d in general. To instill the DS way of thinking from the start, about not having to master every aspect of 3d to make masterful looking art. Makes sense.

    2. It's recursive. Slowly but surely we're all supposed to be weaned away from our original host applications into the world of DS as one of our primary applications, or at least as a prominent chapter of our workflow. DS needs to not only be an option to users, it has to be a necessity for the content business model to succeed. It's as if they want to polarize the user base, into those who are PA's creating and selling content and to those others who are fully dependent upon said content creators, all the while limiting those artists to require DS as their main rendering application due to unique tech, like HD and Iray only materials. Carrara users, who fall in the middle of the ability curve, don't really cooperate fully with the business model of needing  most everything made for them.

    You could never model a house natively in DS, you'd have to purchase it or model it yourself if you have the skill and an app with the tools, which as a low budget 3d newbie you will hardly be able to do, especially in an free application like DS that offers no modeling tools...not by accident. It's a cycle. Fully recursive.

    3. I see no effort from Daz to make content creation tools more accessible and break the cycle, which would greatly increase knowledge and widen the PA base substancially. There's a sweet spot in there. They cannot prevent us from making things for ourselves, but there is little encouragement for masses of individuals to become master modelers so that we can compete with the content in the store.

    By adding these new supports to Carrara every few years; keeping it current and relevant, it enables more of us to continue ignoring DazStudio. Clearly, that doesn't agree with the business model of selling DazStudio reliance.

    I got into 3d for Landscaping in Bryce, characters and figures were of little if any importance to me. Then Daz3d purchased Bryce and all of a sudden I was confronted with all the things Bryce was "missing" because human figures weren't the focal point of every rendered image in my and other Bryce artist galleries. Suddenly it wasnt even 3d anymore until it had a person in it. Get more people into your Bryce scenes! I am still shocked today by how minimal the scope of DazStudio is yet it is treated like the ideal approach to 3D as an artform. Anyhow, all this focus on figures is strange to me. I guess it's what always happens when art is "businitized."  New word. Don't bother looking it up.

    4. The obvious message is this: Use DazStudio if you want access to DS specific research and tools. We cannot expect them to continue to gut the very best aspects of DS to implement them into DS' competition applications, which is what Carrara becomes if it has all of DS's powers. Not by accident, users are left in a position to decide if these tools which are currently available only in DS are worthy of leaving the comfort of Carrara or other applications to pursue. If HD and Genesis 3, and dual quaternion weight mapping are not worth moving on from Carrara, then keep with Carrara.

    But if you really do need HD morphing, correct geografting, and Genesis 3 support, then you MUST "upgrade" to DazStudio.

    That's the choice. I think it ballsy of Daz to even risk putting us in the position to make such a stark decision; as it could easily end up working against them. But this demonstrates just how big of a bet they are placing on DazStudio being a successful enterprise.

    I personally from a business standpoint I cannot blame them in the least if indeed they are thinking at all in this manner. Which it must be stated that no one can say with certainty what Daz intends or plans, we can only speculate at best based on statements and actions.

    So then, how much is HD worth to you? How about Genesis 3?

    Post edited by Rashad Carter on
  • SileneUKSileneUK Posts: 1,971
    MistyRara said:
    Chohole said:

    Misty,  I was totally ignored when I forst applied to be a pa,  also the 2nd time.   I refused to try and see if it was 3rd time lucky, and decided to stick with making freebies.   At that ime ShareCG was giving dividends, which gave a small income,  and Of course once they invented the PayPal donate button I got a bit more.  Certainly have got more that way that I got for becoming a vendor at Rendo,  where I managed to sell a grand total of 12 copies of each of my prducts,  despite having always had freebie downloads in the high hundreds, and for one set even over a thousand.


    is a nice little hobby, leaves 1 hand free to hold cuppa tea, warms feel good on my fingers

    And thank you for sticking with it, as you are now going to do well! yes Silene

  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675

    they alive tee hee  janette and johnathon sittin in a tree k-i-ss-i-n-gheart

  • UnifiedBrainUnifiedBrain Posts: 3,588

    That's the way the reviews system works. You MUST have top notch promo pictures to get to the next stage.

    I agree with you Tim, that in MOST CASES the review system must be followed.  But in my view, this was an exceptional case.  Really hard to find another like it.

    We may just have to agree to disagree.  Either way, I still get to play with Hemlock Folly.smiley


  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675



    SileneUK said:
    MistyRara said:
    Chohole said:

    Misty,  I was totally ignored when I forst applied to be a pa,  also the 2nd time.   I refused to try and see if it was 3rd time lucky, and decided to stick with making freebies.   At that ime ShareCG was giving dividends, which gave a small income,  and Of course once they invented the PayPal donate button I got a bit more.  Certainly have got more that way that I got for becoming a vendor at Rendo,  where I managed to sell a grand total of 12 copies of each of my prducts,  despite having always had freebie downloads in the high hundreds, and for one set even over a thousand.


    is a nice little hobby, leaves 1 hand free to hold cuppa tea, warms feel good on my fingers

    And thank you for sticking with it, as you are now going to do well! yes Silene


    Tyheart   the pep talks helped me see this through.  

  • UnifiedBrainUnifiedBrain Posts: 3,588
    edited March 2017

    Hey Rashad,

    Good outline!  I mostly agree with you about the Daz business model, which you summed up in point #4.  You have presented more speculative details, and you have a different bias (point #3), but it is pretty much variations on a similar theme.

    I personally from a business standpoint I cannot blame them in the least if indeed they are thinking at all in this manner. Which it must be stated that no one can say with certainty what Daz intends or plans, we can only speculate at best based on statements and actions.

    So then, how much is HD worth to you? How about Genesis 3?

    As I said to Chohole, I tend to treat HD and G3 different from more basic program upgrades (model room functions, etc.)  I still want Daz to keep making functional improvements to Carrara and Bryce, and I expect them to continue to do so.  But if they don't want DS features in other programs - which we both apparently believe is true - then I'm not going to waste time worrying about it.  What's done is done, and it looks like Misty has solved it anyway.

    Besides, I'm having too much fun with V3 and older characters right now.smiley

    As for landscapes, I just TODAY learned how to use the Carrara terrain map editor.  Yeah, you can kill me in Bryce, but I'm still very excited to be able to do stuff like this:


    terrain experiment.png
    1200 x 693 - 1M
    Post edited by UnifiedBrain on
  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,086

    I am impressed 

    Mimic appears to work too, I must test it more but DAZ should have their freaking heads read for rejecting this!!

    yes Misty, you are an utter legend heart

  • VyusurVyusur Posts: 2,235
    edited March 2017

    Many thanks to Misty! Now my avatar morphing works in Carrara with pose controls. The main problem for me is very long saving. Maybe I must save all internally?

    883 x 1300 - 198K
    Post edited by Vyusur on
  • 3DAGE3DAGE Posts: 3,311

    Never save internally,. unless you're transferring the scne to another computer which doesn't have any models textures etc,..

    Saving internally will create new "internal images" of all texture maps,. (in high quality) which can create big files.

    If the character preset works in the same way as other Daz/Poser characters,. it should reference the models and textures locally on your hard drive,. rather than storing them in the file

    If it's a DUF file,. then your could try loading the figure,. then saving it to you're carrara browser (objects)

    that should load a little bit faster, since it's saved in carrara's own format,... rather than translating from duf.

  • ProPoseProPose Posts: 527

    Wouldn't surprise me if we see an update soon

  • VyusurVyusur Posts: 2,235

    3DAGE, thank you very much!

  • PhilWPhilW Posts: 5,145

    As I recently set out in another thread, DUF saves external references to meshes which are held in the Daz Studio Content structure, whereas Carrara always saves the meshes internally, including the morphs, so so the more morphs you have (when initially loaded), the bigger your files will be and the longer to save.

  • PhilWPhilW Posts: 5,145
    ProPose said:

    Wouldn't surprise me if we see an update soon

    I'd like to think so, but nothing has been seen or heard since late 2015 on any developments, so I wouldn't hold my breath. 

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