"Update" or "Downdate" - Confustion over DAZ Studio Version Numbers

I'm confused by the peculiar versioning scheme used for DAZ Studio.
Why is DAZ Studio version an "Update" for version ?
.56 is obviously a lower number than .6
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I'm confused by the peculiar versioning scheme used for DAZ Studio.
Why is DAZ Studio version an "Update" for version ?
.56 is obviously a lower number than .6
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56 is higher than 6, the decimal point has no bearing.
It is version four dot five dot one dot fifty-six as opposed to version four dot five dot one dot six (not sixty)...it's not 'decimal'...
Since DAZ is not conforming to "industry standard" version notation, I'd suggest they pad the version numbers with zeros to make them "logical."
Yeah, you and me both...but hey, it's art, not programming...right?
I'm not sure what you mean by industry standard - applications which use multiple numbers, rather than a single digit-dot-subnumber, usually work this way as far as I recall. It's only those that have only one dot that treat the number as if it was a decimal. For example, I'm viewing this page in Firefox 18.0.1, not 18.0.001.
Yes, but FF plans to be to at least 18.1 before it gets to 18.0.10...
What is so hard about adding a zero?
To be fair does it really matter, once we know the numbering convention all becomes clear. :)
True...but it's those that don't know it that are asking the question almost every update...
Fools. It is very obviously a standard build version numbering convention.
It reads major build 4, version 5, minor build 1, version 56.
Yeah, I saw that, too, and I thought "that can't be right". But then I remembered that it's DAZ, so who the hell knows?
That would make sense if it had originally been .06, not .6.
As Microsoft says the good thing about standards is that there are so many of them! :-P
The 'dotted-quad' is well established in computing, for example, IP addresses. Which also have no leading zeros!
My money is on Major.Minor.Revision.Build
Actually, I remember many programs using the same numbering scheme as DAZ is using. It was not at all uncommon, in the past at least. If there was some 'industry coalition' other then MS that agreed on a standard I missed it (which I may have.) I have not seen any programs I can remember which padded with zero.
another idea to define number version is the output date!! year/month/day
v4.5 - 13,2,2 (version 4.5 - 2013 - February, 2)
v4.5 - 13,7,5 (version 4.5 - 2013 - Jully, 5)
the number refer the output day of the public distrubion
you can use a suffix 'B' for BETA
Read This
Basic conclusion...there is NO sanity when dealing with version numbers. As long as the developer can keep track of them in a way that makes sense to the developer, anything goes.
Shouldn't that be v4.5 - 13,02,02 and 13,07,05? Otherwise people will be asking why 13,12,15 is after 13,2,2, and that would distract from arguments over what order the year, month, and day should be placed in...
Basic conclusion...there is NO sanity when dealing with version numbers. As long as the developer can keep track of them in a way that makes sense to the developer, anything goes.
Pretty much. Versioning goes back to when coding was done 'in house' in a way that every place pretty much set up their own standards. When standards did evolve, they are resisted by people used to doing things a particular way. Versioning was an area where this was even more so as coding standards could evolve in a more modular fashion then changing something like versioning, which is a full on change that makes a break from the old method of keeping track of things. Also, with version number schemes, it doesn't really buy a coding house anything if they aren't interacting on a large scale with other shops as long as they can make sense of it in-house.
I simply ask,, so,, were there real ds or ds or ds version etc?
or there were ds , 4.5.0 actually,?
who get those version ? if secret daz member installed them to their PC and tested them?:-)
ds,,, how decide the number? eg 56 or 6 etc,,
Programmer may like play with number,,, so there must be terrible secret ,,
and it must be somekind encryption for space alien ,,,,DAZ programmer may send message them,,.:shut:
I can't say about DAZ's numbering scheme in particular, but generally when this type of numbering scheme is used the number is indicative of (not necessarily a direct count of) the number of changes since the last version. 6 -> 56 would tend to indicate a good number of tweeks.
Another point some might not be aware of. For some programmers (not necessarily DAZ) having to explain and defend your versioning system is akin to the first step in having to explain and defend your coding practices, which is why some programmers won't even broach the topic. They tend to see it as a mechanism there primarily for them to keep track of where they are with the code and only secondarily for the end users to keep track of it. I'm not saying this is right or wrong, simply pointing it out.
Generally the last number is a build number, and many builds are never released. If that's the case here, then this is the 56th build of the 4.5.1 fork, and about 50 of those builds were internal builds which were never released even as betas.
Looking at the change log...that's a very good possibility.
For anyone who may be interested... ;-)
From the change log...
this followed Incremental build number
I would guess that enough changes and additions were made to warrant the jump in numbering...
nicci... :)
Thank mike ^^;) sorry,, it was,,,,,, joke,,,,
then,, actrually I checked about daz change log, getting some difficlulity with beta daz released before.
so that,, I understood how DAZ put their version number. (not so feel strange)
sometimes DAZ put Jump up number,, (I think when daz release product ver?)
when they jump up, there seems no exact rule. but I do not care about number how daz put on their product,
I simply hope install newest prodcut version, and it can work well without new problems.
and DAZ offer good documentation about thier improvements and where they change.
(eg 4.1 to 4.5.0 ) (4.5.0 to
change log is useful,, but about many case,, User can not remember about each .
so about new improvement or critical change need more clear guide. and caution.
(eg when change how to save data,, DAZ need to announce it more clear)