Hair issues with fantasy ears

I've doing a lot of fantasy themed renders latley with tons of orcs and elves and I'm running into a recuring issue: Whenever I have pointed ears hair tends to weirdly clum behind the ears, looking really stupid. Like, the pointed ears aren't simply pocking through the hair, but the hair is morphing out behind the ears. My work around has been mostly using short hair, but is there a better way to deal with this?
Some hairs also have an elf ear morph built into their morphs so check for that and dial it down, if not....
Make sure you have hidden parameters turned on in the parameters dropdown menu then with the hair selected look through the morphs for anything elf ear or possibly orc head shape and dial that down. If it is a head morph and you do not want to dial it down because it gives odd/negligible results you can try a workaround by selecting your main figure and adding a small amount, say 1% of an elf ear shape to the figure, then go back to the hair parameters and that 1% elf ear should now show up, try dialing that down into the negatives to get a similar hair unmorphing effect, works sometimes.
Two options:
Okay... I understand the first post, but I'm not seeing any ear or head morphs on the hair on the current figure I have in the scene, even with adding in 1% of a different elf ear morph. Maybe this is just hair where that work around isn't going to work?
And for the second post (from Richard) I figured out how to show hidden parameters, thanks for that clear explination. But I don't understand your second bullet point at all. What do you mean by "the morphs slider"? Which morph slider, there's now hundreds. Is there a specific one called "morphs"? Where would that be?
The slider for the ear morph you used on your figure.
Once you turn on show hidden parameters, the 'hidden parameters' that show up in the parameters tab when you have your hair selected should show all the by default hidden morphs that your figure is applying to the hair. Those sliders or dials or whatever you want to call them are morphs - shape morphs, style morphs, fitting morphs, etc. One of those SHOULD be an ear morph, especially if you dialed in an elf ear shape on the figure when you created it.
If you select 'currently used' the parameters tab will show only those morphs that are currently non-zero affecting your hair -- hidden, non-hidden both. If you read through all the morph sliders and do not see any reference to an ear or elf ear, it could be because the ear shape is from the head shape morph your figure is using instead of a specific elf or orc ear morph. So you might see 'fantasy head' or high elf or orc head, etc. You can try dialing down or zeroing that morph on the hair but it may also effect the overall fit and not in a good way. Hence my workaround above, which does work as Ive used it. On ogres iirc because of that very issue, no ear morph because the ears shape comes from the ogre head morph. So I dialed in an elf ear from a shaping slider in the shape tab, then selected the hair, found the elf ear morph slider and dropped it from 3% or whatever to about -80%. Might not always work though, not like Ive rigorously tested it:) And no, these morph dials/sliders do not say 'morph' in their names.