Add To Cart Button not working in Chrome or IE10

I'm try to add things to my cart. I am signed in. Nothing happens when I click the button.
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I'm try to add things to my cart. I am signed in. Nothing happens when I click the button.
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Works on Android mobile Chrome.
Make sure you are using the secure site. The URL in the address bar should start with https://
Click on the "SHOP" menu in the menubar, and navigate to the product you would like from there, this makes sure you stay on the secure site.
Check to see if your browsers that are having the problem are displaying a lock symbol or not; the DAZ3D site is transioning to fully https security and if you're not seeing the lock (or whatever your browser uses to indicate a secure connection) it won't work.
Make sure your browser protection suite allows Google Analytics. For some reason, DAZ's site won't work right without it.
That's a different issue, as far as I know. The add to cart not working is caused by not being on the secure site.
or sometimes a half and half log in still, from before the forum software gained the padlock
Try going to the Home page and log out and log in again on that page, clearing your cache between log out and log in.
One weirdness to note; the page you're on after logging in isn't always the one you were on before. It doesn't happen to me as often as it used to, but I still sometimes end up on my account page, or the Fastgrab page, or once I actually went straight to the Forums and was auto-logged in there as well as the store. My browser bookmark is for the store home page, and I always log in from there.