G2M loading with a bunch of CTRLRIGs

I don't know how I messed this up, but now when I load a new G2M figure, it looks... weird. Like, emaciated. And it has a slew of active CTRLRIG settings (but no other morphs).
Um. What? How do I fix this?
(I rebooted, no change)
Have you tried reinstalling Genesis 2 Starter Essentials?
Will that blow out the morphs I've added?
No, it should just update the base files.
Welp... didn't help.
Any other suggestions?
I removed the starter essentials for G2M as well as genitalia and head/body morphs, deleted the packages completely, redownloaded, installed. Same weird distortion.
There's no problem with G2F (and I have GenX morph to make G2F look like G2M, so... that's at least a temporary patch).
I had been editing the Manwolf morph, so I deleted THAT entirely and reinstalled it.
Reboot, still getting the weird distortion.
Attaching what the default G2M is appearing as (and it's affecting all figure loads)
Looks a bit like emaciated - what, if anything, is showing in Currently Used in the Parameters pane?
Subdivision, and a whole mess of CTRLRIGs, and nothing else.
Please let me know if you are continuing to poke at it or whether I should enter a ticket.
Ah ha... ok, I installed a third party morph. Which isn't normally a problem...
But for some reason, one of the two morphs is loading as '1' on default... and for some reason the system thinks this normal and not worth commenting on in 'currently used.'
So, it's fundamentally fixed, but how do I set it so that 'default value' remains 0?
Go to your Daz library "data" folder and seach for the morph name. The folder in which the DSF morph file is stored in is the product name.
Then in DS use: File > Save As > Support Asset > Morph Asset(s)
In the dialoge choose the right library and fill in the right product name you have dicovered before. Then click through the parameters/moph list and only select the morph you want to fix up and finaly click save. The original DSF morph file will get overwritten so maybe save a backup first - just in case... you know.
Didn't work:
2017-03-22 10:12:36.907 WARNING: fileoutput\dzassetoutfile.cpp(797): Failed to create file path.
2017-03-22 10:12:36.907 WARNING: dzmorphsupportassetfilter.cpp(794): Failed to write Morph Asset(s).
I tried running Daz as System Administrator, same thing.
Find the problem morph in the parameters tab and click on the dials cog, select Parameter Settings from the list, in the window that opens change "Default" and "Value" to 0.00 (or 0.0% if As Percent is checked). Now select either Color A or B and change the color slightly (if it's 255,255,255 then change it to 254,254,254). Once you have changed the color click "Accept" to add the changes to the scene, now go File > Save As > Support Asset > Save Modified Assets, this will add the changes you have just made to the actual DSF asset file.
The other way is to find the offending DSF file, crack it open in a text editor and change the setting in it, first "value" which is usually around line 32, change it to 0, then save the file.
Aaah, save modified assets. Thank you!!