Converting old style Poser Scene file into a Daz file

Hi, everyone,
I want to use an old Poser file (a big ugly bug) that is not seperated in to runtimes, i.e, no folders for materials, objects, etc. It's a merely folder that has the object listed as Poser Scene in the form of the ubiquitous Poser icon (which no doubt is the object itself)along with two map jpegs. If you click on the Poser Scene icon, it will open in Poser with maps automatically applied. Pretty amazing in itself, but not what I want to do. I want to open it in Daz Studio, but the folder is not separated into file folders. I can put the maps in Materials/Textures but the Poser Scene file won't work if I put it in Geometries because it remains a Poser Scene. Daz can't see it because it's inside the Poser Scene; it's like a Poser Zip file that only Poser can open, unlike Studio which has a whole bunch of file folder with the object geometry separated into a runtime library.
I tried looking for the file in Poser thinking it migh have opened in the Poser library as an object/character/geometries folder but I can't find it. Poser is very confusing to a Studio user. It has content files which is what it comes with (I have 9 to 11) but everything else is in My Library, wherin I cannot find the bug anywhere, mainly because Daz Studio can't see it if it's not formatted for it to see.
I hope this is making sense to someone. My big question is - is it possible to open/convert the Poser Scene file into a Daz file, object, character, geometry whatever? Right now you can't see anything because it only appears as a Poser Scene file. Obviously, the geometry/object/character is in there. How do I get it out to put into Daz Studio, if it's even possible at all?
Thank you to anyone who can decipher what I've just tried to explain. I don't know if I understand what I've written my self. LOL!
What is the file extension of the file that you are referring to? For example - the .xxx part is the file extension.
@SixDs I don't know. It doesn't say. I enclosed a screen cap of what's inside the zip. There are three jpegs, one is a map, the other's are templates. The Poser Icon is the object; in properties it's identified as a .pz3 . It only says what it says; when you run your cursor across it, it identifies itself simply as Poser Scene. It's a like the old Daz files. They were packeged inside a file with the Daz icon. It would install automatically in Daz, not in Poser. Now we have zips which are much better with more control, and it doesn't alert your computer as a suspicious file the way the old Daz files did, and you can install them in Poser. Well, this is a Poser version of that kind of file back in the day when Daz and Poser were completely separate, I imagine, but it comes in a zip, except the object geometry is locked inside the Poser Scene (the Poser icon below). The map are separate as you can see. I can't find this file in Poser, anywhere. I don't even know where to look. There are six content folders in Poser. Poser 9 content, Poser 10 content, and Poser 11 content, My Library, My Daz 3D Library, and Reality. It's not in the first three because that's dedicated content (what Poser automatically comes loaded with for each version) and the other two Libraries are Daz Libraries that you can open in Poser but, naturally, this file doesn't show up in the Daz Library because it doesn't install, it being a Poser file. It will just remain as the icon file you see below.
My question is how do I see inside the Poser Scene file. What's nice about Daz is once you find the object in Stuido, you can click "Browse to file location" and there's your file all broken down. I can't find it in Poser, even though I can click on this Poser icon and it will show up in Poser fully rigged, textured and good to go, but once I close it, I can't find it. Maybe my question should be, how do I find it in Poser, because I imagine somewhere in there, it's broken down into a runtime file, just like the old Daz installer files.
Am I confusing you even more?
Are you a Poser user? I have Poser but I rarely use it.
In DS from the top file menu:
File -- Import
You then get the loading window in which you can choose 'Poser Files' (.pz3 .pz2 etc...)
That should do the trick.... maybe DS will ask you to locate the texture map....
It is not a common practice to distribute poser content in .pz3 or .pz2 files, but it has been done more. Basically it is a poser scene file, that contains all the needed information and geometrie (well, except for that texture file then....). So no separate files to show; it is a very large text file (compressed if it is .pz3).
@glaseye Thank You! That did it! It worked! Now I know how to import old Poser pz3 files. Who knew it was so simple. I'm such a dork. Of course, IMPORT! Again thank you for taking the time to help. Truly awesome!