DS 4.5 not processing metadata
For some reason, DAZ Studio isn't processing some of the newer product's metadata. I just recently bought Bot Genesis, and it's not showing up in any category; there are supposed to be icons in the Anatomy/External category and the Shaders/Metal category.
I'm also not seeing anything for Hitomi, or the Boots for Genesis products.
Is anyone else having this problem?
I have not get Bot of genesis,
but if you want to check , go to content library, then
check product category.
you may find Bot of genesis, then open content DB editor.
if the produdct miss the categorize or no compatibility base,
it can not be shown in smart content tab.
about Boots for genesis, I checked it now,
the Boots.duf which I installed, has no comatibility with,
so when you select genesis, it never show the icon in smart content tab.
yes I forget I have instralled it already ^^;
so if you hope, send bug report pleas. I fed up,, sending bug report.
some product are may updated already, if user send bug-report mantis already.
if DAZ has time to correct it. so you may need to itemized your history, then
reinstall again to check it. but sometimes inslaller version not change,
but they remove bug without mention.
before , Mantis send buck mail to me , (now remove problem about ...)
then download and install the product, but there keep another missing meta-data.
then I send report again.
sometimes DAZ need 3 month more, just change and set correct one node of riggin tool.
about one product , DAZ need almost 6 month, I forget perfectly it.
but version up ds, then the product version up.
about some product, vendor change folda name, so I can not used the scene
which I have set the item in the scene. after version up, and re-install for get meta-data.
It is DAZ work. however, many user thanks DAZ,
there is problem DAZ can not manage and their product well.
no funny. you need to used to DAZ loose , it is not cool at all. actually.
or angly like me..
Do you see the Boots for Genesis or Bot Genesis in Content Library>Products>B or Hitomi in Content Library>Products>H ?
-->Lindsey: I can see bot genesis and hitomi in the products lists, but not the boots.
-->Szark: I get the metadata pop-up, and the products show up in the list, but when it's done processing, none of the products show up in smart content.
My observation is, if you see the product in Content Library>Products and there are icons with the little colored "type" flags such as Wardrobe(s), Shader, Attachment and the like, the product should appear in the Smart Content tab as described in the product's readme, though sometimes the locations in the readme may not match exactly.
If I can bring up the product in Smart Content by searching Smart Content>Products>All category, I'm good to go.
As far as the Boots for Genesis not appearing, there have been instances where the automated load didn't cause the product to added to the database, but manually performing a re-import of that product's metadata file was a success.
Yeah, I've been re-importing everything, and so far it's all showing up. I'm thinking it may be too many metadata files being processed all at once, causing a few to be skipped.