Hidden Content

Is there a way to list content that isn't categorized. I've had to reinstall all my content, and just realized not all is showing in products, scan results, or lost and found. I can find it in the daz format, but I don't want to have to go through each and every one to find it.
Has anyone else just had a miserable time with content? Since one of the more recent "improvements" (4.7 or 4.8) I have had more problems with content. I'm to the point I would like to start using a different program. If I had any artistic abilities I would already have changed to Z-Brush or something similar.
Does the missing content have metadata? All correctly installed content should appear und the ... Formats headings in the Contenbt Libaray pane, and can be categorised by right-click from there.
I assume so, since the ones I've found are GN2F and GN2M. I assume those come with the starter essentials. But without going through some long process, I'm not sure about others. They also don't show up as new in DAZ Studio Formats, which makes them a challenge to find.
The new group (which flags items but not folders) relies on the Content Management System. How did you install the content?
Through the install section of DAZ (I think). If not, then I used DIM.
Using DIM, anything with metadata should have a tick in the metadata column (the one with a lined cylinder icon) in the Installed tab. Connect items should have at least basic metadata.
Could this be due to it being part of the essentials pack, and so it should be the only content I have this problem with? I have double-checked and reinstalled the metadata