Genesis disappears during rendering when set as high-resolution

Just as the subjectline says. If I set the shape from Base to High-resolution, genesis seems to disappear when clothed. Not sure if there's a setting that needs to be dialed. But if I start from scratch and build up, the rendering is ok if genesis is nude in High-res. As soon as I put on clothes, it seems to get translucent. I discovered this while I was rendering using LAMH, as I set the shape from Base back to High-res after export of hair from LAMH to DAZ Studio. The solution seems to be to add a second Genesis, and conform it to the first one, while allowing the shape to retain High-res.
Is this only an issue with LAMH? LAMH crashes studio everytime I change my figure back to hi res in studio, so I gave up on it.
But otherwise no I haven't had the invisiblity issue. I even turn up the sub-d to 2 divisions and things render fine.
Well, I'll check out if it is either LAMH or Interjection. What mystifies me is this happens when I apply clothing on the figure. If this is a reproducible error, I might need to reset the Genesis-package and see if there's an update I've missed.
Is LAMH a product to add the look of body hair to a figure?
Any kind of fur, jestmart. It's a true system when it comes to hair/fur. doesn't add 'the look' adds procedurally generated hair. Actual, able to be styled--cut, combed, shaped hair or fur. It uses an inbuilt ability of the 3Delight render engine to generate the hair 'on the fly'. It also has an obj export function to create physical geometry.
Btw, I use a 'combination' work-around. I render one High-res without hair, and a second rander with hair. Add them both in Photoshop, and paint out in a mask the low-res figure, but keeping the hair.
Ok, so it is not a simple transparency problem. If it is anything like particular projection it may not be able to use the main mesh as the emitter mesh thats why it disappears.