Surfaces that will not cast shadows?

Is there a way to change a surface so that it no longer casts shadows but retains opacity?
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Is there a way to change a surface so that it no longer casts shadows but retains opacity?
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Hi Khory...
UberSurface2 has an option to turn off Cast Shadows for the surface... I think PWSurface can also, but I don't have that to see...
Hope this helps... :)
You can also do this with a Ray Type test brick in Sahder Mixer, setting the opacity to zero for transmission rays.
Never been a big PW fan and while I have uber2 not sure if its commonly used enough to put on a product. I'll look into adding a ray type test brick ..This would all be so much easier if you could actually bring in the uber shader as a starting point rather than have to add in every veritable you need with out good documentation about where things hook in.
Yeah, Uber2 is not all that common...but pwSurface isn't all that common either...
So, if you are putting this on a product for distribution, you'll almost have to go the custom SM route.
Yup and since the documentation has issues that just may not be happening. Oh well.